New Tundra VS. Ford and Chevy


no one that buys it is going to give a shit what its worth in 3 years because it will run for 15. what pisses me off is toyota thinks just cuz they got bigger this or better that makes them think that their trucks are so much better. ford chevy and dodge have been making trucks for damn near 100 years now. i think they know what they are doing with trucks. if they didnt, they wouldnt still be around.

everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I know i will always have an american truck. i will walk before i have to drive some Japanese hunk of shit.

in this month’s issue of Truckin’ magazine there is an article about the Toyota truck commercial where the truck pulls the train car off a cliff (btw if that thing can REALLY do that, then my truck can raise the fucking Titanic without breaking a sweat). if you watch the commercial close enough, you can see all the workers and their equipment and truck in the background that built the set. guess what? ALL THE TRUCKS ARE FORDS AND CHEVYS nice one Toyota!


I didn’t see any Fords?