New twist on the WMD in Iraq


Umm i said this 3 years ago

Iraq was a horribly bad decision for 2 simple reasons:

  1. Saddam HATED Muslim extremists

  2. Iraq was a SECULAR country in the middle east

We should have been looking to Saddam and Iraq as a potential partner not a target.

When the US invaded we had to kick out the weapons inspectors. They were given full access to everything after we threatened force. WE didn’t let them do their job.

Up until the US threatened force against Iraq it was in Saddam’s best interest to tell the world he had WMD. Once we threatened to invade it was in his best interest to tell the truth and let the inspectors verify it (which he did in an official release to the UN which was wholly ignored and they were in the process of doing). We jumped the gun b/c the administration was HELL BENT on going to war and REFUSED to be stopped.

Are you stoned or stupid? His only goal was to maintain power and stay in control. The LAST thing he would have done is initiate a war of mutually assured destruction.

LOL so true

I still think this looks like jam…or at least will :stuck_out_tongue: <3 jam

hind site is 20/20 but i agree