chemical weapons found in Iraq?

just heard on the news that they just found mustard gas and serin gas munitions? anyone else hear about this?

Havent heard but if so. IN YOUR FACE LIBERALS!

lmao @ “liberals”

Bush was just in Iraq, he obviously planted them there.:biglaugh:

I’d say we’re going to find his fingerprints on them, but everyone knows Bush is just a robot controlled by the shadow government that is only out to keep the black man down, and therefor does not have fingerprints.

As for the weapons, I’m not holding my breath.

Well duuuh! He’s so right-wing coneservative, I’m sure his farts are actually mustard gas and his dandruff is actually Anthrax.

^ lol. It really would not suprise me. he had been using them on his own people for years.


So what makes you think these chemicals were created BEFORE the war? Are you saying this war is now slightly justified because of these findings?

i doubt there were any since it would be breaking news constantly about it and there is nothin on

^^^ probably right… just heard a quick thing about it as I was walking out… didnt catch any specifics

well… in all reality… we are/were already justified for going in IMO (they gave the choice to saddam) but thats neither here nore there.

just thought it was intresting

i retract my last statement case they just showed it on the news. they said that they found them back in april and it was just declassified. they mad a press confrence a little while ago about it with little details about it

I do support the war. yes it is bad that Americans are dieing. I hate hearing about the “innocent sivilians” being killed and everybody pretending to give a flying rats ass. before we got in there sedam himself was killing thousands of innocents. nobody cared. we get invalved and we are monsters. Casulties of war. Its not a pretty thing but in the end it will be worth it.

we are in the middle east because of oil plan and simple. We depend on it, they got it, so we will protect what we need.

Think about it. Africa is having famine, civil wars, genocide, etc. for a long time now. Do we care? Nope, because they dont have oil like the middle east. Once the oil is gone we wont give a damn about the middle east.

This are old weapons that we found over the past 3 years…

they are PRE-gulf war…meaning there was no active WMD programs.

And FYI Steve - Before the invasion Iraq release a document saying they had no active WMD programs and only small ammounts of the shit left over from pre-gulf war I…and we didn’t believe them and invaded anyway.

^ i was gonna say, didnt he use Mustard and Serin gas DURING the gulf war?

Oil runs this planet, it is the key to our survival, and i fought for 18 months in your so called war for oil, and regardless of the liberals take on the situation, i woul do it again. Africa is going threw alot of turmoil, but they arn’t a threat to an entire region, they havn’t sponsored terrorism and they don’t have serin gas in thier back yards. Oil is energy, energy is life, without it you will be freezing your ass off all winter, and walking to work. The sooner we as a culture recognise this, the sooner we will all realize that we need to secure oil by whatever mean nessesary.

“Yeah, it’s not a party until you have phosgene and Rosie O’Donnell in the same reaction.”

-organic chemistry professor