I call BS. Too coincidental.
BS and coincidental on what?
BS you’re real and coincidental cause Joey just got slapped with a ban for posting nasty bewbiez.
Joey is a closet VAG freak!? :lol
Haha, well i’m not fake. Who’s Joey and where are the boobs?
joey was the little guy with the shift shirt and the white civic.
Joey = White Civic w/2093582958239582 stickers = K20Power = Banned
Very coincidental… eh?
thanks queen obvious. :lol
HE’S A COP!! :ahh
Haha no i’m not a cop.
Ohh So white Civic got banned huh…What’s done to his civic? he has a HUGE muffler on that thing!
there’s more VAG ppl on www.ca-va.org, youll see the beetle there as well
K20 swap w/NAWZ.
all motor on juice, ran a best of 12.4 at 115 iirc.
Wait Pete its no all motor if hes spraying you camaro fag
since when does joey have a big muffler? this is news to me :lol
i wanna see the TDI, haha
I will be sure to check out ca-va.org I’ve gotten a few PMs about it.
Oh sweet, K20 is out of the RSX right? That’s a pretty impressive time out of that thing! Would’ve never guessed by looking at the car, sleeper!!
haha the TDI is nothing special, all stock. MPG ftw!
WELCOME!!! :nod