New VAG guy

Hey guys what’s up my names Kyle. Right now i have a 2000 Nogaro Blue Audi S4 Stage 3+ race gas only and my DD is a black MK4 Jetta TDI wagon. The S4 is mainly for the strip, it’s completely gutted, best run with it so far is a 10.94 @ 130mph on slicks.

Looking forward to seeing some of you guys around. Just moved to the area from North Carolina so not too familiar with where and when you guys hang out.



Neither are we, welcome though.

the title :rofl


Can I just say, that color is sex.

And our resident S4 stage 3 owner is AMD IS THE BEST. You guys should be friends. :tong

Oh nice, nice to know there’s another S4 owner, let alone Stage3!. What’s he have done? just Stage3? What has he run at the track?

NICE!!! come out to LVD tonight and run it!

he juices it too, full interior on a 50 shot i believe he ran an 11.8 @122? iirc.

Street tires, FYI.

welcome. yay AUDI. i LOVE nogaro blue paint. too bad they didnt make my car in that. post mod list and parts list plz

Where is “LVD”? Like i said, i just moved here, not too familiar with many places around here.

Nicee!! Does he run slicks? or just street tires…I bet he has a hell of a time getting traction with nitrous + STG3 + street tires :ohnoes

street tires, LVD = Lebaonon valley dragway.

Street tires, and you are right, tough getting traction. Hence the time.

LVD = Lebanon Valley Dragway in West Nassau, every Wednesday is test and tune, $20 to run.

and if you actually want grip then so saturday morning at 10am 30 to run

Oh nice!! i’ll be sure to get out there at some point! Hopefully i’ll be able to get a mid-low 10 sec run out of the S4 up there!

Your buddy should try slicks out sometime, it’ll probably run soo much better!

you got any pics of the s4?

Yeah i have a couple, they’re on my desktop computer though man!..It’s not hooked up yet as my house is just a mess from just moving in! I’m on my laptop right now which has nothing on it :sad

Were you referred to the site by someone? It’s okay, we’re all friends here. You can admit it if you were. :tong

Funny you ask, i was actually in Lake George last weekend and saw a few cars with the website decal on their cars. One was a black Beetle with a big wing on the back, a white Honda on the side of the road with all sorts of stickers on it, and walking i saw a smaller guy looked younger as well, wearing a dark grey “” t-shirt. I just remembered about it today and figured i’d see what it was all about. Seems pretty popular from what i can see by browsing.

Did you happen to see twelve fools rolling around on a picnic table in the back of an F150? :rofl