New wheels, like or dislike?

$1,500 is pocket change little man

likewise, and im happy for you. youre amazing. and you drive a smurf blue wanna be M5. sweet grille badge.:thumbup

and who is little man? im not little bro.

I dont think theyll look bad on the E90 at all, when I first opened the thread like others I thought you got those for the 540. Damn that would be real ugly :lol

I whipe my ass with 1500.00 a day so stfu about Money.

Listen man, I KNOW you read my last thread about meeting up, but the SLIGHT chance that you DIDNT, ill say it again. You wanna keep talking shit why dont we just meet up? I’ll smack you around a little bit, take a picture of your bloody face and THEN you can continue on with your internet toughness. I’ll even pay you for it bro, win or loose $100.

o shit. Your dick must have just grown a foot.

if you want to make friends here, dont run your mouth to the wrong people.

:lol nah didnt catch that. i see maturity is beyond you. ive got better things to do with my life than meet up with some punk to plow his face in. sorry bro. go troll someone else.

Friends or no friends im not going to sit around being shit talked to for no fucking reason. Since my third fucking post this internet toughguy incists on talking shit, ALL of my negs are from this fucking faggot, idk if he wants my cock or what but thats NOT normal. Maybe you need to wipe your eyes and see where IM coming from before you defend your friend who is in the wrong.

lmfao, read the other thread, thats EXACTLY what i thought youd say… pussyy.

o shit

time to fight beause of internet neg reps. Great reason.


well apparently my mom sucks your dick according to your comments you left me. :thumbup

NO, time to fight becuase this dude obviously has something personal against me.

nah, just waiting for you to admit you lied about your cars power and used a dyno from a 335… thats all. you get butt hurt over the internet. its pretty funny. the troll is being trolled :lol

I dont see what numba1 did to get this BS, you guys attack him then he attacks back and you all start calling him immature?

Thank you man, I do NOT start shit… EVER. I will NOT however be talked to the way this dude is talking to me.

look up his forsale thread about his unicorn 3000gt he had. youll see.

he posted a dyno of “his car” which i found to be of a BMW on bimmerforums, he wouldnt admit he lied about it. kept making excuses that the PO gave him that… its cool, my dick isnt small so i dont have to do outlandish things to inflate my ego.

im home, come on by bud :rofl

Dude if thats what is wrong with you then go down to Autobahn… Go Friday as a matter of fact becuase I will be there. I already asked Chris AND Graig and they BOTH told me they didnt believe the dyno sheet either BUT left it with the car. It came WIITTHHHH the CARRR!!!

You said you have been friends with graig for 10 fucking years, why cant you call your own god damned friend and ask yourself!?

I saw it, he said he got that dyno sheet with the car from the dealer. Did somebody disprove that?