New Years Eve "im all ready drinking" Roll Call

stfu. blue label?

i want to try that sooo bad…

still, a good single malt > blended scotch

ill be dur

half eaten pizza, and like 4 chicken wings by the time it gets to the door, only for them to throw up all over the kids.

goose and tonic for me :frowning:

headin to O in a few minutes then out then hotel with the girl
having alil petron now, who knows what I’ll drink tonite ha

be safe tonite everyone, Happy New Years!!!

avg joes and god knows what ill be drinking 2nite, but im sure it will be a lot of it

cover charge now in effect

registerd pedifiles dont pay?

going to Tempo for dinner … then off to a couple of house parties

$5 says I end up at Steer tonight no matter how much I fight it.

If I run into any of you I’ll buy ya a drink.

Happy New Year all.

I’m going to the garage, crackin open a coke and workin on the bmw. it’s just another day to me :gotme:

Throwing a party at my parents (heading back to Detroit after the Ice Bowl)

GN: Spent $250 at Premier and another $100 on Beer
BN: I don’t drink

arbor mist white zinfandel strawberry, before working… fuuuckk

I have a feeling that would be more fun then wherever I end up. But maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

lol be careful mang.

Gn: I’m finally drinking.

BN: i have to be up @ 8 am tomarrow for the hangover 150’s

amen to that, just got back from Miami late last night, just going to relax at home with the parents since i gotta move into my new place so im packing boxes, starting champagne bottle at 11:30 lol

i’m right there with ya…just another day…

Well back inside. Despite it was fucking freezing in the garage the motor is ready to come out :D:D:D:D happy new years everyone! lol

^ same to you sir…why isnt the motor out yet ? lol