New Years Eve "im all ready drinking" Roll Call

Jameson, meet Hot Chocolate,
Hot Chocolate, meet Jameson

fuck yea :slight_smile:

Jameson meet glass.
Glass meet lips.

Fuck yea. no i am heading off to work

mmmm gonna be a laid back NYE for me this year…haveing to wake up at 7 tomorrow to start drinking at 8 just won’t work…unlesssssss I don’t go to sleep at all and drink straight through…hmmm


I’m with you on this. I have to be at work at 6am New Years Day. Another reason why I don’t like hockey.

ugh working on new years let alone at 6am…you work security for them? or somewhere else?

Meeting some friends for drinks at noon… Grey Goose and Red Bulls!!


If I had some Bailey’s I’d put it in my coffee. Otherwise just relaxing for now, gotta take the tree down and go to the store later.

I work for the Bills. This outdoor game is a pain. Since it is on our property we do all the work. I have to be in the tunnel/on field to monitor the players and coaches.

i’ll be drinking once i get out of work at 3

I’ll be drinking a beer with dinner tonight…and that will probably be it. :slight_smile: Lame!

tonight will consist of:

i keg of molsen
Jagerbombs for all
a bunch of bottles of wine
a house full of people
no cover charge

no i wont tell where :slight_smile:

working… for now

will get destroyed later I’m sure

still at work, co-worker saved us all and brought some alchy in… fuck yeah

hahahah JaMo Chocolate nice :tup:

<----Started drinking last night

Bacardi 151 Meet Importmuscle

Importmuscle, meet puke


not drinking yet, but i will be after work.

and i will be sipping this all night

thank you gil

wait ???

the man …

the LEGEND!!!..

isnt drinking yet ?

Waiting until after work, should be a good time tonight.

naw man gotta slang pies all night

you wouldnt want a drunked pizza guy showing up at your door would you?

Jam, Im jealous…all i get is this


and a little 100 year old jack daniels…balliN!!!