New York Life?

Does anyone here or know someone who is/has worked for New York Life?
I know the first year is the major breaking point to get through and that most don’t last the first 6 months. Anyone have any input on working in the insurance field?

just PM willybeen.

He works there?

Yeah Willybeen is your man

My buddy john just starting working there. claims to like it.

he used to work there, he sells shit in FL now.

That’s good because I’ve read a ton of mixed reviews. I just don’t want to get into something if it’s going to be as bad as what I read. They told me they will give salary for the first three years until I get established, but then I read that it’s a scam and that the training is very poor.
Just looking for a little feedback before Monday, so thanks for the info.

Okay. thanks.

I honestly dont think hes doing nearly as well as he is saying he is doing. But then again he didnt just sip the koolaid he fucking got a keg of it and is doing a kegstand.

They prolly get a bad rap from people who think they are gonna make bank right away, they go through their friends/family, then have no other prospects, and fail hard.

It’s all about personality, as Willybeen told me before. Your not selling life insurance, you’re selling yourself to the person. New prospects are made on the belief that this person that is selling the insurance is here to take care of ME, not just try to shove a product in my face and jump ship.

That’s probably why many people fail hard, they are already close to family/friends so selling to them is easy, it’s complete strangers that is their downfall.

Ugh, I can’t imagine trying to sell a product that #1 guarantees you will pay money for something you’ll never see in your lifetime, and #2 gives other people incentive for you to be dead.

They sell other things than just life insurance. You have long term care and investment annuities.

I understand that seeing I’ve been in retail my whole life, so I get that concept.

As for family, that’s out because my old man works for Mass Mutual. So he’s already hit the whole family up. lol
He’s also advised against me going into this line of work because of the economy and that people are not spending money and people my age are not buying. He said it is way to hard for a young guy to start off in this line of work. Not sure if he’s just blowing smoke up my ass or not.

Thats my line of thinking as well, and something I told my buddy. He claims completely the opposite, that people are actually looking to drop coin on this right now.

Either way, the one point that I could not argue when we were discussing his options on this was that if he was gonna take a chance and risk it, why not right now? 26, no family, etc, etc… Much better than if he was married with kids.

How long has he been there for now? I heard the training is not so great and they toss you right into the field. This is the reason alloty of people can’t make it from what I read. The whole training process is just not there. Is his pay based on full commission or does he make base plus commission?
My main concern is will I be able to make enough to still pay rent/car patment/bills? I don’t mind if I have to strugle the first year but I don’t want to sink either.

he just started maybe a month or so ago, but hes been talking to them, taking tests/getting certifications, blahblahblah for at least 6-8 months.

I’m not really sure how he gets paid, but I know he does receive some commission.

Pretty much your selling a product for a company. I would say stay the hell away from it. Your pretty much a salesman if you get into it, its hard work and other than insurance your selling a product that is not in the best intrest of the client…just my .02 cents


just pm me your number if you want to know the good/bad/ugly. It’s a great company, their training is wonderful.

Which office were you going to work for?

I am friends with two people who have been there for many years. Both are doing very well and like what they do. Hell the one guy has been there over 20 years.

Thanks Willy, sending you a PM now.