As everybody knows, I’m William. I ride a ZX-10R, I work in an Emergency Room at local hospital in Buffalo. I recently graduated from the University at Buffalo with my BS in Business Administration with a concentration in Financial Analysis. With the degree, I recently pursued a career working for New York Life, as an agent/producer/etc etc. Now, I’m not trying to sell you something you dont need, I just think everybody on here can come to the agreement that Motorsports and some of the hobbies on here are inherently dangerous. I also know the idea of death is not one, that many people would like to face, but it is inevitable in some of the hobbies that we share Although its sad to say, it does happen. More often than I’d like to admit. That being said, from what I’ve found so far with my career as an agent, 99% of the people I’ve talked to have been under-insured. Do yourselves a favor and look at your financial situation and ask yourself a couple questions.
If something were to happen to me, would my bills be paid off?
Are any of my loved ones dependent on my income?
Am I dependent on any of my loved ones?
Am I starting a family soon? Getting Married?
Did I just buy a home?
Any other important life events
If you truly do care for your loved ones, please get covered, recovering from a tragic event can be difficult enough without the problems that arise from money. I’m not saying call me with the intent to buy from me, but if you’d like to sit down and run through a confidential analysis of your own personal situation. (AT NO COST) I’d be more than happy to sit down and talk with you.
Thanks and Have a safe season.
Feel free to PM me with any questions that you may have for me. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Call me an asshole, but fuck life insurance on me. I don’t want anyone to have any incentive to see me dead. If i die, I want it to be a negative event for all involved. I’ll never pay for something that I know i’ll never benefit from personally, at least while i’m single and kid free…Hell, if I could, I’d buy reverse life insurance. Give me a few extra dollars every month and then make a large lump sum due out of my estate if i die.
Willybeen–you might have better luck pushing disability insurance for your fellow motorcyclists, especially anyone who rides motocross/quads. Nothing is worse than going on State disability while you have a busted leg or arm or whatever. Disability insurance is cheap as hell too.
I never gave a second thought to life insurance until I got my LAH license a few years ago. Not only is it a protection, and a legacy concern, but life insurance is an essential financial planning tool as well.
Most people you meet are literally under-insured, sucks.
And as for Joes comment, I completely understand how you feel, alot of people I have met with felt the same way prior to meeting with me, but after sitting down they found that there are Whole life products that accrue a cash value which can be used to supplement your income at any point, completely TAX FREE. Not to mention while still providing a death benefit when the unfortunate, yet inevitable does happen. Life insurance is a necessary vehicle for those who plan for financial success. Bottom Line.
I just assumed with all the people on here whom just bought a new home, have a ton of debt, are getting married, having kids, have kids, are looking to help protect their family should the need arise, ride motorcycles, race cars, etc etc that a large percentage of the people on here who could definitely benefit, I’m at no loss if nobody expresses interest. My intent was to just get people to think responsibly.
possibly making people to live a little more cautiously and essentially giving them an incentive to stay alive? not a bad idea, but it would require a pre-approval process of sorts first, so Darwin doesnt get all messed up.