
I used the search, and the only thing i came up with was sedlmeirs thread from last year about PRICE, i do not care about price i care about the policy.

What is worth it to have on a bike? I recently bought a 04 636

I have no idea why he was getting quoted so high, but i put all my info in; single,20 y/o male, first time rider, no accidents, perfect driving record etc… and with progressive i am getting:

256/year Basic coverage- Only liability . 25k personal/50k accident

862/year choice coverage- 50k person/100k accident. 500$ deductible/3k accessory

1049/year plus package- 100k person/300k accident. 5k per person medical coverage, 500deductible, 3k accessory

I have full health insurance as it is

i understand these are only rough estimates, but im assuming it’s close. What other insurances do you have? I was recommended to check out progressive from the guy i bought the bike from

DO NOT skimp on insurance. Check this thread:

And then I’d recommend ordering a copy of this:

It’s FREE and it’s about 20 pages of good insurance info for bikes. Quick and easy read but very informative.

BTW, congrats on the purchase, you’ll love it!

thank you very much :tup: , i sent in a request for that book

No problem, it really helped clear up a lot of my misconceptions. Fortunately nothing bad happened to me when I had my bike because I was definitely underinsuring myself. Next bike I get, I’ll be better prepared when I get the insurance.

I had a lawyer that was familiar with my riding style review my policy and make a few changes. Here is what I currently have.
Liability 100/300k
Property 25k
Medical 5k
Comp $500deduct
Supplementary Uninsured/Underinsured 100/300k
PIP 50k
Econ loss 25k
Aggregate PIP 75k

I’m with allstate for $300/yr, geico wanted $1300 for the same coverage. I have nothing on my record, the funny thing is allstate wanted $400/6mo on my car, while geico did it for $200/6mo…

Make sure you call at least 3-5 carriers for quotes.

Generic specifics:

Collision covers damage to the bike done in a “collision” - striking a vehicle or object, or rollover. This is generally the main driving factor in coverage prices because it covers the physical bike parts, labor, etc.

Comprehensive covers damage by everything else - fire, wind, falling objects, the bike falling over, theft, etc. Comp is generally VERY cheap because much less likely to be a claim related to it.

Most importantly, liability. You may not think you could cause alot of damage on a bike… its more common then most think. You lose control, hit a house, burn the house down and you’re on the hook for their expenses over what your insurance covers (blood from a stone my ass, try being garnished for however long it takes to pay them off) to rebuild, replace belongings, hotel bills, etc. Not even getting into injuring a person… In other words go with AT LEAST 100k liability, but 300k is not at all obsurd. Liability coverage is also generally cheap.

SUM - Uninsured / under insured Motorist This covers you if your in an accident with somone (where the other party is at fault) who is not insured, or is insured for the state minimums (WHICH WAAAAAY too many people are) of 25/50/10. If you’re hurt, and your expenses are more then $25k, the SUM covers the extra. You cannot carry more SUM then you do Liability (protects others from you), so match it to your liability choice.

insurance is cheap. MUCH cheaper then paying out of pocket or being liable for damages.

I can reference what I and a few others pay on coverages but it may not mean shit to you specific situation (year / make / model; age; driving record; credit; etc). My recommendation is t go online and quote through Progessive, GEICO, or a site where you can change coverages easily to see the price differences and decide for yourself whats worth it.

That said, IMO:

  • If you’re willing to walk away (didnt pay much for the bike) from the bike if you wreck it then skip collision. If we’re talking ~3k plus then it might be worth it to go with collision and a $250 - 500 deductible. 1000 deductible on a 3000 bike doesn’t make a lot of sense (since you’d get ~2k in a total loss), but it’d be cheapest.
  • If you store the bike outside, on the street, or park in public places alot the you should def get comprehensive. Even if you don’t do those things, check it out anyways since comp is usually ‘pretty cheap’, and you should look at the lower end of deductibles - meaning that you’ll be covered for smaller losses. I have $100 comp ded on mine and wouldnt recommend more then $500 max.
  • I wouldn’t personally carry less then 300k/300/50k liability on any bike (i have an umbrella beyond that anyhow if it goes over, which is a whole other topic). Quote 100/300 & up to see how much more youre wiling to pay. Keep in mind that liability can also cover your passenger in a claim (but not you).
  • Custom additions and accessories - this is self explanatory. If you have add ons and items that you want / need to replace after a claim, add them to the quote and decide if its worth it. If its $200/year to insure custom items worth $500 its kind of counter productive, but if its $20/year then it makes sense

Ride safe and smart. Not for insurance reasons, but so that YOU can continue to enjoy yourself


Call progressive for cheap rates.

+1 - They’re always near the top of the list for bike insurers for a reason.

/ Theft is a coverage under Comprehensive. And, sorry to hear it man. :confused:

make sure you have theft im out $6000

thank you very much for this :tup:
it’s amazing how much more helpful people in the bike section are than in the auto section here lol


watch out, ill talk back to you and won’t have to worry about being banned now! :slight_smile:

:tup: we take care of eachother.

so i just received/read that book that u told me to get, and i read over my quotes and NONE of them offered SUM coverage even the 1000+ one. So im going to reconfigure everything to get my policy how i want it

thanks livin4hockey for the suggestion on the book, definitely learned a ton of things :tup:

ok well it looks like the policy im getting will end up only being 575$/ year for everything. (i have no collision on the bike) Am i allowed to only have it 6months on the road? or does it have to be 12months

Yeah I remember reading about that now and forgot to look back at my old coverage but I don’t believe I had it either at the time. I read this after I had sold my bike, but let us know what you’re able to find out. Glad it has been helpful thus far.

You can take it off the road after 6 months and put it back on. It’s a ‘recreational vehicle’ so they allow for it to be registered and uninsured. I take mine off for the winter.

So i get my money credited/refunded right?

Correct. Some policies will make you keep comprehensive on it still, which isn’t bad since you’re still saving some money. And it may not even be a bad idea to have depending on where you store it.

For every vehicle I have 1/2 mil and 1/4 mil coverages and the the rest looks like jabbu’s … After getting rearended a while back I found out what everything means, fast.