
Brand spanking new!

My name is wray…in Texas rite now for my tech school cuz im in the Air Force, ill be back in town at the end of April…I drive a 94 hatch w/ a JDM B16 swap…trying to build the hatch but unfortunately im not very educated and was told about this site by a friend, he said it would help me out

welcome, you came to the right place. A good bit of knowledgable honda guys on here!

welcome man! by buddy just got done w/ basic for the A/F before Christmas, now he’s in Biloxi, MS for his trade (Air Traffic Control)

again, welcome to the board, like whitey said, there are A LOT of honda gearheads here that will be able to help you :slight_smile:

welcome :slight_smile:

whats a honda? :kekegay:



its the cars that pass up every gas station for 2 months then fill up and max out at 14dollar fill up. :nono:

Hows the weather in texas wray?



its warmer here rite now then it is back home!

