Noob to here

Whats up ppl just joinin the site, found it really interesting. my buddy zexaccord told me i should sign up. i helped him boost his accord, fun times long hours and in teh end all worth it. someday i would like to have my own shop…considering im goin to NTI ( NASCAR Tech ) in NC. But anyhow here i am, Oh btw my car sucks its stock so try not to haggle me. :eek4dance



welcome…what kind of car?

93 honda ex. used to have a horizon blue 93 teg way back.


Nice Z…clean



welcome. NC> PA


Whats up boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Thought you were coming over.

:beer: welcome!

hahahah NC rocks pgh’s world anyday. i live 5 mins from lake norman about 30 mins north of charolette…BTW i AM originally from pgh. i dont miss it tho

:blanyer: :steelers: :lockd:

i mean honestly who wouldnt wanna move to warmer weather, where you can drive your car all the time except for 2 months outta the year. and i wasnt implying that PGH is a horrible place. A ton of really great times and im sure more to come…i just like nc better

cause you don’t live with your parents there dumbass :wink: Your dad never quits bitching LOL The car scene is sooooo much better here than Charlotte(well imports anyways), domestics are huge down there.

welcome :blue:


my cats breath smells like cat food.

whats ur pussy smell like? :hs: