Heres my Silvia S14.5 :A
I know they are garbage pics but I dont care

Built or bought?
i got some seriouly mixed feelings about that one
Does the intake manifold also have it’s own fuel rail? That thing looks WEIRD!
Bye beautiful Kouki S14
nice ride…
Good eye Pat, ya I stil can’t believe anyone would ever do this to an S14a… what a pitty
Still looks sweet. What I hate about all S15 “kits” is that the front end is always SO aggressive, never any subtle lines or looks. The type-S front bumper is nice enough for a conversion, you can still show off an FMIC…
She was bought like this but I bought a new SR20 cuz the old one was blown and I am trying to sell it right now heh…
wow ur cars nice… good work on it man… its mint
nice s15 (yeah i call them that its got the front end and sr20 what else u want)
but what happened to the bagde on the back u just glued it on top of the nissan emblem kinda weird and the interior is not bad at least u dont have 3 different colours
i see us plates how hard was it to import any bs on the border?
If you look a BIT more carefully you’ll see he lives in Detroit, MI.
nice silvia looks mean but im shure you r gonna take the bench off the back rite
I like this car alot…
"D Thanks! Ya Im getting the Kouki rear wing and Greddy Gravity wheels and painting the car black over the winter.:drivin
welcome …NICE car…not a big fan of the yellow interior though…
enjoy the forums!!
nice ride bro
post up better body pics , from liek a better distance so we can see the over all look of it .