i need help. no, seriously. i was skeptical about getting a blackberry cause i was all about the touchscreen. well, my old phone is currently in a snowbank, or up in an attic now covered in two feet of insulation(i was up there before they blew it in changing some fans around) and, well, the cheapest phone without extending my contract, was the curve.
i’m in love. i know it’s only been two days, and EVERYONE thinks that at the start of a relationship, she’s the one. but man, soooo many apps. i can actually stream music with the one even while i’m driving through deadzones!(i’m guessing it has a caching feature) i mean, she’s not really one for sex, but she’ll give me a nice show(youporn FTMFW!!!)
the only thing that bugs me, is when i have it bluetoothed to my laptop, all sounds come out of it. even from the person talking to me. kind of annoying. especially when i wanna get up to walk around. that and getting used to a non windows based phone.
honestly though guys. it’s love. and i really like the music streaming app, it’s fuckin’ awesome. if you have a blackberry, get it. it’s called slacker radio. after 30 days you have to pay $5 a month to use it. i plan on paying that, lol.