Newman > Psychopjv

No drama no BS. Good times did 3 50-140 he passes me at about 120. Damned good runs and I want another crack when I start with more than 800psi. :tup: The green blob rocks the house.

:tup: vids? ps… scott needs in on this :slight_smile:

EDIT: on bottle or na?

ugh. EDITED>

you can’t read sir…i sprayed him. hence i need more than 800psi. My kit is rated at 1000psi. I knew i’d be low on juice but this had to happen.

^ i edited… im a retard.

in for teh vids. :tup: to a good race

Awesome runs. Had a great time… Now that i can hook i can probably make 3rd my full boost gear… and make second have more jam as well…

you should def do that. because i certainly get the hit with the juice. if you up the jam in those two gears you’re gonna put the hurtin on lotsa stuff this year. Time to go bike hunting.

might as well make first have some more jam so you can still roast em if need be

glad to see the car got done i bet its nasty as hell good work

Newman I wanna run you this season, Pat we still need to run

im so sick of the word jam

Was a good time. :tup:



In for vids




