there we go
why is the work not being done at hybrid anymore???
Cause newman has now moved to a place with a garage and lift. More convenient.
im really glad to see this got finished by june… :roll: ahhh priorities
Cause newman has now moved to a place with a garage and lift. More convenient.
Nice cage newman! Vito does awesome work, glad to see you went that route. Cant wait to see this piece out and running.
my boosted m20 e30 will take it down…
…and then i’ll wake up.
why can’t i view page 48?
this happens all the time in big threads, it will show the next page but there are no posts on it yet
I just read the first page of this and the mystery of what happened to the Splitfire coilpacks is now solved, Sorry we didn’t get to meet on Sunday - busy day that was and now I seem to have a fabrication shop, tum tee tum.
This thing still going?
He needs to hurry up and finish this shit, don’t let MPD47 finish before you :bloated:
Me too, then at least one of my old E30s would live again. :lol:
Me too, then at least one of my old E30s would live again. :lol:
parts of them will
that headliner is so awesome
Wow, amazing would love to see this finished.
Chris, you have a BMW now too?
he picked it up from the soda blaster earlier this week, im guessing work should begin soon
good. thanks for the update jam.
i was worried a car that has A LOT of potential to be one of the cooler builds ever is just going to be pushed off the drawing board.
why was it at media blasting for like 6 months?>