Next time you explore that abandoned house....

  1. I want to know the manufacturer of the belt. I want one as it’s definitely passed the stress test.
  2. How the hell does the taxes and maintenance go on for so long without no one investigating? Some towns around here you can’t let the grass grow a week uncut and people are on you with pitchforks and torches.

I’ve been in hundreds of foreclosed homes at this point…sometimes I’m more surprised there isn’t a body

probably because it’s dayton and detroit and the properties are worthless anyways so why spend tax dollars doing anything

Pontiac is an interesting place.

This. I think I have seen everything but a body.

This creeps me the hell out. There are two abandoned properties that I walk by all the time. Ick.

If you’re into or even facisinated with Urban Exploration, there was a great podcast a couple weeks ago on “This American Life”. No bodies but really good.

Host Ira Glass explains that our show’s a little different this week. It consists of one long story, lasting the entire hour, about a young boy, an abandoned house, and the mysterious family who once lived there but seemed to disappear without a trace.

Good one. We bought a foreclosure that was totally full of stuff…like the guy moved out the day before…bills going back to the 70s, ids, a filled water bed, tons of 8 tracks, a massive old beer can collection and a huge postal safe…which I have no clue how he got it.

another one I was pulling down a layin ceiling and a creepy beat-off kit fell on me…some home made pocket pussy contraption and a bunch of pairs of women’s panties…fun times

Do you still have the beat off kit?