NF Tim Hortons drama thread


Sounds like a bunch of poor kids with slow or shitty cars.

Niagara Falls fucking blows.

Niagara Falls might blow, but most of those cars are not shitty nor slow.

Get your facts straight.

OKAY: good pose, OK car

Sucks: Wigger

Sucks: LT1

Sucks: Grandma’s whip, JoestypeGTP

Sucks: Hat

Sucks: Terrible ricer lights, low rent faux don barton

Sucks: Grill mesh from 2001

SUCKS: Car is lame, but blower makes it less lame, bordering on OKAY, FGGT plate frame pushes it deep into “suck” territory

SUCKS: Ricetastic intake duct


:lolsign:damn newman

Nice newman, you must think everyones got money like you to dish out and buy a Lotus, build a e30 bimmer. Should of stuck with the STi.

and this hole time i thought kip winger was dead…

lol nah rich, this is actually what we’re dealing with. lmFFFao.

i have NO comment to that, either of your ‘cars’ or your drumming ‘skills’ i’ve heard about.

good luck with that glass house sweetheart.

Idk. I’m pretty sure both my exige and my UNassembled bmw are worth more/are way more awesome than any of those cars.

And I never claimed to be an awesome drummer. But I do claim to be an awesome dude. Sorry I don’t have wigger friends. :frowning:

And my sti was awesome, but my new stuff is way sweeter. Gotta keep it fresh, dawg. It’s not my fault other people are poor. :frowning: x2

^hard to argue with that…damn you’re harsh!

so why does everyone have to be an asshole?

lol newman your such a douche, people get so bent about it which just feeds the fire for ya… i love it

Wow newman im sorry there buddy, not everyone owns a lotus or something so high class that they gotta look down and rag on “shitty cars” or call a 6.0 liter GTO an “ok car”…by the way if you know so much about cars, you would have seen that “Grandma’s GTP” is actully the GXP which has the 5.3 liter LS4 motor, which is the same series motor as the corvettes, Just some food for thought since u like calling us poor with shitty cars.

Who took the pics of people posing with their cars? its funny because I know a couple those guys… I’m usually there on thursdays… at least the air scoop on the 350 is functional…


“the same series motor as a corvette”

Too bad the LS4 is one of the shittiest LS series motors. Sorry about your bad luck.

Except a corvette is not a front wheel drive piece of shit that’s probably worth less than a honda civic of the same year. :frowning:

Actually the LS4 is a great motor, but then from your point of view just like how you say the LT1 sucks, then your saying any kind of LS/LT motor sucks then huh. Indeed it is front wheel drive and get lots of Torque steer but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. This car raced a couple black c5’s last year and stayed door to door with them. But i guess that’s only because corvettes must be pieces of shit to huh… LMAO! Thank you for making my day and saying statements like you’ve already made including that because its a front wheel drive car that its shittier then a Honda civic…your ignorance for cars made me laugh, thanks again!

Yea,those c5 drivers must be bad drivers.I have driven ls4 grand prix’s.No thanks.You guys get so upset over this.That is the only reason newman is entertained.The trustfund his parent’s left him is huge.

Sorry that your car sucks, man. It’s not a big deal. If you keep saving your pennies you might be able to have a nice car some day.

But my point about the civic is that a honda civic from the same year with the same miles is worth about the same as your car. LOL.

Nah not upset, just mildly amused at his ignorance for cars that are less exotic then the lotus. I’ll admit the lotus is actually a pretty sweet car, but when you call something that’s unrealistically shittier then something else, or say that the 6.0 gto is just “ok” ya just gotta laugh! :slight_smile:

I think a LOT of forum members would call a GTO “ok” at best.

But i gotta stop braking rules. Start an OT thread about these cars and I will rage.