NHL 09


god i cant wait for this game, im gonna buy it for xbox this time. im looking forward to the stick lift, and the online team league. NYSPEED team? up to 25 players on a team.

and and the forsberg move is available now too!


ima have to rebuy a ps3 for this

i cant wait for this, i never bought 08 because this is coming out soo soon.

Defensive skill stick… im in.

This game looks amazing. I was excited for Madden but a good hockey game > Madden any day.

I wonder how it will be for the computer this year. Last year it sucked compaired to the systems.

maybe this year the other teams will change lines

NHL 09 got pushed back to 9-11-08 according to EA’s website

i keep hearing its the 9th but all the ads say 11th.

downloaded the demo for 360, lift stick is awesome! cant wait to buy it

I might have to buy a Xbox contorller for my PC for this.

only thing that i am curious about after reading some reviews is the be a star mode. I guess you have to control only one player, including make line changes and the like. Does this mean you sit and watch for 3/4ths of the game?

No, Be a Pro mode doesnt make you sit 3/4th of the game. basically you are rated on how WELL you play on that.

and i would be in for the team NYspeed online.

if you get a penalty in the “be a pro mode” then you will watch from the side

is this correct?

Or is it more like EA’s “Superstar” gameplay in the Madden series?

yes u manage your own line changes and shit, so u do sit a bit.

There is a demo for this on xbox live. I tried it out last night. Took forever to download but worth it if you want to see what be a pro mode has to offer. Basically the graphics are very similar to 08 but the gameplay is way better. One handed dekes,better hitting, more realistic gameplay, and the be a pro mode is nice. In the demo you control only zetterberg and when u have the puck carrying it in the camera kinda follows you like in the shootout but not as bad. I didnt get a penalty or sit b/c line changes were off so idk what happens in those cases. Overall i would give the demo a 9. 2k9 demo is on there too, but i didnt play that yet. Never a huge fan of 2k series. EA > 2K

finally played the demo. i def like it a lot.

get faster internet…took me 10 minutes to download using TW

the 2k9 demo is terrible :said like john madden: nhl 09 def blows it out of the water once again…