nhl playoff pool

alrite guys,

playoff season is right around the corner.

i tried to set up a pool last year but the idea was shut down because at the time i was not a member yet.

so here it goes…

i’de like to set up a playoff pool. it will be a fantasy style pool where each person will select 5 forwards, 3 defensemen, and 1 goaltender.

each point the forward gets will earn your team 1 point, each point your defensemen gets will earn your team 2 points, and each shutout your goaltender gets (if any) will earn your team 3 points.

points will be accumulated and a winner based on that. pick your players wisely, because once the team that your player is on is knocked out, then you can no longer earn points with that player.

ie. may be wise to select sidney as a forward, but if the pen’s are knocked out first round then that does you no good. instead your strategy could be based more on teams you feel will have a long playoff run and selecing players from that team accordingly.

i do know that i would like to do $5 per person, and hopefully get atleast 10 guys.

i will keep track of all scores and update regularily.

if this goes through, everone will be asked to submit their list to me close to the end of the season when it is known which teams will be in the plaoffs.

ofcourse, the eastern conference is going to come down the the final game and teams will need to be sent asap after the playoffs are set. the western conference is all but locked up.

i will have everyone send money to my paypal account and will hold the mone until a winner is crowned.

im sure most of you know me by now, and for those who have dealt with me in business deals know that i will not be unjust or run with the money. i think bing will vouch for me as we have done business many times.

start up list will be below:

  1. matt

payments will start to be collected once 10 guys are committed and teams have been selected.

if the mods would like to shut this down again this ear, thats ok with me, but please give it a chance to see if anyone would be interested.

pools can be fun!

  1. Matt
  2. Paulo

well this is brutal

Matt I’ll add you to msn, Im gonna start one similar to this if your interested but for probly a $20 buy in.