NHMS go-pro footage

This is me going around NHMS yesterday the 3rd, about 10 seconds in the rider that I pass on the left is user Rocketpunch on here.

I think next time the camera needs to be tilted down more, the camera is recording too much sky which screwed up the exposure a little. If you have some kind of video software, you can run it through and adjust the exposure to make the track brighter.

Weather looked great, makes me wish I could go but I know it was for the better.

You need to be a little more constant with the throttle either being on or off instead of cruising in connections between the turns, but it seems like you were taking it on the safer side which is good.

I know turn 4 is a disaster of a turn, but you were overly cautious with it.

Aaron, I think it came out well, but I could edit it a bit to see what happens.

I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!!

Yeah I was having issues with turn four after lunch, seemed like I just couldn’t get the right line anymore. The best run I had through that turn was deff the run right before lunch when I touched my knee down.

One big thing I have noticed I’m not very good at or used to is accelerating hard out of corners or braking hard coming into corners. I’m way used to approaching a corner at a slower speed acclerating up for the corner and backing back down after it so I’m not doing 90 on a public road.

Honestly if you get the gear I can teach you how to ride and let you ride one of the bikes for next events, I plan on bring both to each event either way.

You’ve touched knee in turn four? Brave soul :eek2

You were always easy on the bike and not used to romping on it on the street or maxing it out, which is smart, but take one from my text book, once you’re on the track - rail on it each chance you get because that’s the one place where it’s fitting and beneficial.

Once I lay the videos over you’ll see what difference it makes to have it as an ON/OFF switch. That is until you upset the suspension, then its a whole another world :ahh

Nevermind I had the turns mixed up, I touched knee in turn 6, the bowl, and had issues with my line through 6 later in the day. :lol

Turn four kept giving me issues since I never felt like I could get turn three just right, the hard braking and very quick turn in messed with me all day though I felt like by the end of the day I had gotten it sorted out enough at least to make turn four decent.

Towards the end of the day I was starting to try to follow the faster guys and found that I was able to push the bike MUCH harder than I was in the morning which led me to hitting just about every turn harder and faster than I had previously. Ironically my knee didn’t hit once in the afternoon, but when I was actually matching some of the faster guys pace I could see there knee skimming along so I can’t imagine I had much lower to go.

Do it, by next year we SHOULD have a trailer and all the needed tools and equipment to make it a regular thing. Its not like its a very expensive sport to just start off in, especially when compared to car track days. Buy rocketpunch’s 250 when he sells it this winter :lol

Just bought a trailer for the car, so I could tow probably 20 bikes w/ gear. :rofl

Making arrangements to ride at VIR this winter…

Penguin lets you rent Ducati’s for their track days.

But you should still get as much practice on the street as possible before going to a track, are you considering purchasing one in the near future?

20 Bikes with gear? :excited

Nope, have no desire to ride on the street, even as practice. Done it, almost got hit by Corolla, no thanks.

I’d purchase a race/track bike but will be renting in the beginning.

Corolla? You’re lucky, they are cushy and are in the top 5 cars to get hit by in the car world.

Dump trucks is what you have to look out for, you hitting them is like a bug against a windshield on a summer day.

Either way, see you on two wheels next year then!

This is why I am so eager to hit the track, even with the little experience I have riding.

I am no race car driver but I have driven at track pace in a open wheeler. I think the fact that you are so exposed and so close to the ground when riding fast at the track makes it such an unique and addicting experience that is totally different than driving :excited:excited

Agreed, absolutely. As far as a pure visceral driving experience, open wheel or bikes cant be beat. Production/sedan/touring car racing, whatever you want to call it, has the simple advantage of making for really really close contact racing thanks to body panels. But if I’m just out for a drive, gimme a F1 car or a bike.

Three other huge factors in it for my self… Starting with the fact that you can be within almost inches of another rider when passing, braking or getting passed. Its quite a rush.

The second thing is that any modern day sports bike has basically super car performance right out of the box making it so its always the rider thats holding the bike back and not the other way around.

And the last thing is what a HUGE role skill plays in it, trumping equipment in most ways. At the track there were guys on Ninja 250s in the intermediate group and holding there own, other than the fact that they topped out at under 100 :lol. And there were guys on race prepped Ducatis getting blown away in the beginners group.

Jesse, I am adding fuel to your fire…:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl


They didn’t say it, but the seller is flykitty down at smallwood, near Monticello. Sell all the stock fairings that came with the bike, and have yourself a dirt cheap track bike. :excited

BTW, those stock fairings alone is probably worth 1k+

:excited DO WANT!

This is still one of the most fun parts of track days, racing, and instructing, IMHO.

Once I was able to actually keep up with most of the guys that I thought were very fast it was a very exciting feeling being able to keep up on there tail and reel some of the slower guys in around the turns, knowing that around the next turn you will out brake them and blow by them. So I can only imagine how that feels once I really get the skill and confidence in my abilities to pass even some of the faster guys.

I want a go pro now.

The quality of the video shown on youtube is no where near what the camera actually records as well.

Word on the street is that there is a new better quality model coming out as well sometime within a month or two.

Great cameras, very convenient for what they are :thumb