Niagara Dragstrip, or what's left of it :(


Now for Camaro Joe…Im betting you’d know the car… ok some older fella’s were tellin me about 2 Super Stock Dodge cars that were pretty famous amoung the Niagara strip. Well, the red one is sitting behind someones barn/garage/house in Niagara county (pin points it, doesnt it…lol) its untouched since it stopped track use back in the 70s, or 80s. The guy that wons it wont sell it for nothing and its rotting away, kinda like the track.

Lastly, for those who dont know but, want more a more personal experince of what the track was like, there’s a yearly get together where the ol timers and people that used to go there have pictures, old videos, and tell old stories. I havent been but, a friend of mine says it was awsome.


Tell me where that car is! I actually haven’t heard about it, but would love to see it. PM me :slight_smile:

And in January of every year I believe they do a Sunday Niagara Reunion at a local restaurant. It’s been going on for a few years now. I always miss it due to other plans previously made :frowning: But from what I hear, it is a wealth of information and nostalgia there.

And about 15 years ago at the Niagara Falls Convention Center (now the Casino), they had a Sunday Niagara Reunion show complete with the racers and cars from back in the day. Big Daddy, Shirley Muldowney, etc. Was awesome. I think we have 35mm slides from it. Yea, this was before the age of digital cameras. I just recently threw out my shirt form that show since I wore it to death.