With this week’s recent events involving member NickAlero, also known as Nick myself and a group of other members decided the community should know what kind of person we have in the car scene, also moderating the local forum. You can group him in with past persons known as “Failvis”. Not only is he a dishonest, pathological liar, but also a scumbag(displayed in MANY situations with other forum members).
I’m no longer moderating, so don’t worry about that.
Here is a list made up by said group of members of encounters with this NickFailero.
Note: Some may seem minor to some people, but it’s the big picture and repeat instances.
- A few forum members, along with the infamous Joe Jiggs, were hanging out with NickAlero back when Nick still lived at home in Colonie(5 minutes from Jiggs’ house, about 30-40 minutes from said forum member’s house outside of Troy…He was asked to give Joe a lift home, was even offered $5 since it was slightly out of his way…he demanded $10, despite how much Joe Jiggs and these others have helped him out out of pure generosity, and still left Jiggs stranded and forced someone else to drive 40 minutes(OVER an hour round trip) when it was basically on Nicholas’ way home.
I was still living at RPI, and was not offered compensation
- Lied to a member that he had his appendix taken out…But didn’t? He claimed he had it taken out, then went back on that and said it wasn’t taken out and that he just had an enema. His parents chose that he have an enema so he could stay in school and then they were going to get it taken out. After said member’s brother had his appendix out and almost died from complications, he asked one of the nurses if you would ever wait to get your appendix out and she said absolutely not. And to top that off… when he looked up getting an enema with appendicitis… it said absolutely not to do one because it could cause your appendix to burst.
Could, but it didn’t. Again, Kevin not having repeated fb conversations with you.
- He blamed Joe Jiggs for ruining an injector seal on his '91 Galant VR-4 and claimed he lost an entire tank of gas from said leak.
I apologized to Joe that night and admitted I did not lose a tank of gas. I said that because I was pissed off.
Various times asked Joe Jiggs for help with his cars, Joe Jiggs being who he is(ALWAYS willing to help) always lent a hand, but yet when brought out to parties and what not, was treated like shit by Nick trying to play along with others who bust Joe’s ass, but are always 100% joking. This goes along with the above situation where he refused to give Joe a lift home.
Complete bullshit
Claimed himself and his father removed his oil pan on his Acura CL(J30 V6) WITHOUT removing the Y-pipes off and then re-installed it sealing it with HondaBond. This was proved to be false by Joe Jiggs and resident Slowmarro.
He claimed the crankshaft on his Galant VR-4 could be moved in and out an inch by hand when his VR-4 “crankwalked”. The VR-4 ran 100% fine after this claim, and I believe still runs with it’s new owner.
I wanted a reason to get rid of it and gave myself one. This was admitted the same night Joe and I had it out about the injector seals[b/]
- He claimed his Acura CL trapped 97MPH, was run at LVD with many witnesses trapping 84-85MPH.:dunno Must’ve been mis-firing on those runs :retardclap
- Claimed he bought an LS1 motor to put in his E30. When asked for pictures just out of curiosity, it was avoided. THEN when asked again, it magically was sold/junked because the heads were warped.
It was sold, heads were warped?! :wtf
Now to add to the first part of that…At H2O International this past year in Ocean City, MD a group of guys from here were nice enough to bring him along, not only did above happen, but he also claimed he lost his keys to his BMW. Member LKSi had reached out to help him, who claimed he had no money(who brings no money on a vacation/trip?), and called around to find a locksmith in Ocean City which was near IMPOSSIBLE, but did find one. This locksmith came, made a key for Nick’s BMW, and LKSi had continued to help him out by paying $170!!! for the key to be made which thankfully for him(LKSi) was covered by his AAA…
So then after all of this(Wasting everyone’s time, basically completely ruining the trip to Ocean City, he magically finds his original key in his other pair of his shorts’ pocket after leaving OCMD without everyone.
Well by that point after it being clear that I was unwelcome generally, I had my key and left. I figured that was more of a favor than a problem. Also wanted to get home to family.
Now take note of B-Ri’s post where he states how IMMEDIATELY after arriving in OCMD, Nick got drunk and ruined the hotel room for everyone causing everyone to sleep in their CARS!
Definitely not immediately, b-ri you chris and I had a beer that I babied for 20 minutes to half an hour out on the deck
Nick’s explanation for this was that upon arrival in OCMD he found out VIA TEXT MESSAGE! that his mother had cancer. Wouldn’t your family CALL you in a situation like that? OR atleast wait until you got home to not ruin your vacation? Also, if that was indeed true, wouldn’t you leave and head home the next day atleast to be with family?
Without my key, thats a little hard.
Onto some more:
- Claimed he had his friend’s girlfriend come over and was going to bang her, but claimed “she left the room” and he “fell asleep”.
This happened well before I met you guys, not sure where you got this story but delete it off here.
- Claimed he was an owner of his own Custom paint shop and “Speed shop” where he installed parts, OEM & Aftermarket, and tuned various platforms himself with various softwares. Can be seen on Google Archive as posted by another member.
Yup. Last edited in 2009. Why? Thats how I was told by my career development center to put my experience with the Alero
And of course the most recent motorcycle story, which most of you have been following and can be seen in his thread in the Motorcycle section.
I’m sure others who have been involved will chime with some other petty lies.
Epic? Maybe?