Nikuk: Going the way of the Do-Do

>>> INFORMATION SECURITY 12/30/05 12:19 PM >>>

Internet browsing access has been removed.



That is all.


Anyone hiring?

PWNT. shitty.

haahahahahahahahahahahah, that sucks


:eek: fucking beeeee essssssss :tdown:

man, first jackā€¦ now Nickā€¦ The daily post count, just dropped by 300. What the hell are you going to do all day at work now?

Hmmā€¦ who shall take his place? Is there no hope for humanity?

Ummmm do his job and work are the first things that come to my mind

thanks captain obvious :wink:

find a way around itā€¦ rerouteā€¦ dialupā€¦whatever

Wow!! Sounds funā€¦ better than my 3 shit jobs.

hahahah sukkkka

and ill be reordering adelphia at home so jack can have a life, i know hes goin crazy

Yeah, this is my last day at this job. New job starts 1/9 but I sure wonā€™t be surfing the net 1/2 the day at a new job. :lol:

i want a new job tooā€¦

JayS, where are you starting working?

PMā€™d. is a great source for WNY IT jobs.

Nice Linkā€¦ Iā€™ve sent out a couple of feelers.

for clarity - Iā€™m not fired, just without internet, this tedious job has become that much less attractive.

and for whomever said Iā€™d ā€œstart doing workā€ā€¦ Iā€™ve had exemplory reviews for the past 4 years, going on 5 :smiley:

The whole dept. lost internetā€¦ ā€œno business related reasonā€.


nelson - ha ha


Welcome to Suck Townā€¦ population 2.

Itā€™s ok, Iā€™ll keep the post count up for the next two weeks :slight_smile: