Nissan has some messed up ideas.

Check out the new Nissan Pivo

or just go to: and see any thing about all of the cars old and future. You can tell it’s trully an american site since they don’t even show the X-Trail as a Nissan model. :finga:

I hate the fact that Renault is such a huge influence in Nissan now. They’re going down the same route as Toyota. With the exception of the Z and the new Skyline all their cars are BORING!

B-Wurm :smiley:

a sr20 in that would be perfect before race wars.

Once again I must state Renault does not mingle in Nissans business. I would also like to point out that Renault Does not own Nissan. Nissan Owns 15% of Renault. Renault Owns 44% of Nissan. Both companies profit of each other. Neither forces each other to build cars a curtain way.

I don’t agree with you. Nissan’s are boring. Have you shopped for cars recently. I mean honestly, Nissan is got to far from boring. Now toyota in another hand.

And as far as Renault involve in Nissan, I’m cool with it Nissan was going down hill before the association. The car are a lot more exciting then before. I’ve followed Nissan my all life. Have a look at what we had back in just 1995 to now. You can’t seriously tell me that they where all that and now they’re boring.


(The President and Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn stated that he doesn’t want to build a car that will please 100% off the population but one that’ll like them will be excited about their cars/trucks). It’s just a fact you cant’ please everyone.

Nissan is having their best year so far in terms of sales.

lol well thats obviously to take on the SMRT car… woops SMART cars success… I enjoy the large + and - on the gas and brake (Incase you forgot what one makes you add and subtract!?)… the “LCD” mirrors are kinda sweet… i could see that on other cars… but have it so you can make them like rearview mirrors or something… not looking where you can see perfectly fine… i mean come on… if you can’t see the dude standing on the corner, you shouldn’t be behind the wheel!! As for shape… I think the smart car is ugly… and my opinion stands the same on this POS… like WTF seriously!! maybe nissan has some boring cars… but they are classy and thats what i think i enjoy most about them. Did Nissan give its desingers some special brownies during the design of this car… ill leave that up to you guys do decide… Really i think cars like this should STAY in japan… give us the “Boring” R34… and keep that hidious mockery you call a car to yourselfs! thats just my opinion --Scott

95 had the 300zx aswell as 240’s.

95 had the 300zx aswell as 240’s.[/quote]

They both are really nice car. Honeslty you think these 2 cars where the ones that made Nissan the most money?? I don’t think so. (As far as my “Boring” statement, I’m talking about North American market. They’ve got some pretty cool cars that we don’t get here. As far as concept I would say that 1/2 to 3/4 of them won’t hit the streets.) There’s more to Nissan then their sports cars.

^^^^ So true North America and especially Canada always get the crap of the crap when it comes to Nissan and Every other car manufacturer in the world. Europe gets nice looking cars compared with what we get here and when they do get car we get here they comes with more options, nicer wheels, bigger brakes, higher quality interior and smaller engines that put out as much power as their North American counterparts.

In terms of cars Canada gets shafted on everything. People here will buy anything even if its ugly and boring…Oldmobiles and shit like that…Nothing comes in 5 speed. Just to give an example, The European Honda Accord is the Acura TSX we get here. <<<This tells you alot about the higher standards that the buying public has in Europe. :?

95 had the 300zx aswell as 240’s.[/quote]

They both are really nice car. Honeslty you think these 2 cars where the ones that made Nissan the most money?? I don’t think so. (As far as my “Boring” statement, I’m talking about North American market. They’ve got some pretty cool cars that we don’t get here. As far as concept I would say that 1/2 to 3/4 of them won’t hit the streets.) There’s more to Nissan then their sports cars.

Of course. I bet they made hardly any profit on them, especially when they were competing for that area of the market with other companies so closely. I thought that you were talking about that area of sales though.

I think of Nissan in stages.

1969-1983 - Oldskool awesome phase

1985-1989 - Revenge of the Edge: Awesome 80’s phase (z31,s12,r31)

1989-1994 - Cutting edge tech, style phase (s13, r32,z32)

1994-1999 - Boring, stangnant phase (sentra, s14, r33)

2000-2003 - Cool, but too little too late phase (Maxima, Altima, new SE-R)

2003-Present - “Bought by the french and make every car we sell look like the new 350Z, but it’s okay cause they saved our asses and the 350z is a pretty kickin rad car…phase”

or something like that.

^^^ That’s an awesome list. You hit the nail on the head.

Miiiiiighty suspiciously similar to me :smiley:

Renault Megane:

Nissan C-Note concept:

K, renault may not “own” Nissan. But it’s renaults money, engineers, designers and advisors that are the reason the company is still around and making cool cars.

Wrong again… It was Nissan techs who asked Renault to redesign the engine bay in the new Megane when it was in production. Nissan knew they would use that chassis later and wanted to put a bigger engine in it. Of course Renault made the engine bay bigger which was good because they now have there 2.0L Turbo engine in it. Also make room for the QR25DE… :E