no boost

So I was driving my car today and I had boost, then all of the sudden it was gone. Car is running perfectly just no more turbo :frowning:
My gas tank has a leak, could that be it?

turbos wont give out that easily, and your fuel tank leak isnt going to cause it. its either an incredibly clogged air filter, or your charge piping popped off

As dumb as it sounds and (I’ will probably get flamed on this) and it’s easy to do…check your vacuum lines. My Bro’s Supra had a similar problem (except leaking gas tank. lol) and found he had a few cracked lines. And it fixed that problem.

would fuel pressure be an issue?

I was thinking the samething. But Fuel pressure would cause more trouble than a turbo not working. But the turbo may just be shot in either case. It’s tough doing internet diagnostics. lol.

Ya I have a feeling that my turbo is done. Meh, time for a new/bigger one. :smiley:

Well I figured out what the problem was. My wastegate came undone.

:lol: Dude, your brain ain’t working much, or you need more sleep. Get some rest!