No Drag Strips but Dragging frames

Mini Trucks+ hot girls+ lots of night time sparking and what not…

laying frame is the only way to go…
Domination The Video

its a teaser clip… not to long but nice enough

i don’t really get the minitruck laying frame stuff

but it’s a good vid if you like that kinda thing

oh yeah, and dudes ralphing shit up :tup:

personally, id rather go fast and have my truck look somewhat stock than have iot all tricked out and dragging the frome, but hey…to each his own

god…ive done so many of the same things in that video…except the beeatches.:cry:

nice toe :tup: :smiley: lol

lol, toe. :wink:

hott bitches.

ream men dont use airbags

steel spings and 4" of ground clearance FTW

Yeah i have a couple of there dvd’s. Some of my friends and i used to be real big into going dragging. It always was a good time. There is alot of fabrication and engineering involved with most minitrucks to get them to do that. If you ever check them out some of the stuff is pretty impressive.