No Frills Niagra Falls Canada 9.4.05

i was there till 11:30 and it was still going strong :tup: to a great time and the fun time we had after

good show guys, our cruises are always the most fun, i think this is the first one where we have not had some kind of accident or damage to car with a semi big group, although we were not going close to balls to the wall.

i felt so lonely being the lowest powered car by atleast 50hp :stuck_out_tongue:

now i need to save for some st115 or fm901’s.

140mph highway runs > *

Z32 > Z06

of course i had to miss it :frowning:

great time, especially afterwards. :wink:

No prob. Your woman looked pissed though…

Yeah, even I’ve been a victim in the past. I :heart: that tunnel :slight_smile:

Any update on Chris? WTF was up with him “going numb?”

This is the ghost of coach…his mortal body slit his wrist this morning…Good times…good cruise…good highway action…better bar…better scenery at said bar…and after all that I could take no more so I haxord myself

gas prices < *

or you being unemployed > You

Yeah, shes not really in to “spirited driving” soooooo that little cruise was not helping. :roll2: Whatever, she still said the evo was nice and smooth :smiley:

pics anyone?


yea wtf i know brian took a shit load

i only got pics from the domestic side of it hehe…we got up there and all you guys were leaving.

i love going fast thru that tunnel part. It gives u that fast feeling

someone post up some pics in gen auto id like to see :tup:

that tunnel was awesome…i bet the people on their bikes or walking through it were deaf after we all went by…

it was so loud…i loved it!

…haha …what about that woman that was there that freaked out at everyone and she got stuck while trying to get out of the parking lot? :lol:

my pics turned out like poop cause it was dark

Pictures are up: CLICK ME
hottest pic by far! :stuck_out_tongue: