No Limit Inc. Car Club - Bedford PA. Respect Few. Fear None.

Only in Bedford.

This is just magical

Bedford chapter of BLLP?

These people make me look goood.

I wish I was cool enough to join a club like this…

It was out getting it’s fenders rolled .


it looks like the halk jacked off on the car and they tried to lick it off

lol guy does kinda look like me :doh:

Get what you deserve for posting a myspace link

LOL. Damn suspension is getting settled in after 45355 years.

Im suprised it didnt settle quicker carrying around all that bulshit.

Really? You’re proud of these?

They should at least respect themselves…Jeez, they’ve dishonored themselves and their whole families. I feel dirty (dirtier) for having owned a Sephia at one point after seeing this.

The way, I see it. People are looking at them, Not my rusted SUV with a stupid low Emission reading that has not had a tune up in 3 years get 22mpg
Have proof :rofl:

Continue on, I heart you folks !

Baller. Just baller.

I can understand them having a car club, and being proud of their cars, even if they aren’t anything special, but what I don’t get is the slogan or motto or whatever it is. How you can you have that with those cars? I don’t know why you would have that with awesome cars. Why does everyone have to be a fuckin badass? If you’re a badass then you probably don’t need to publicize it. Respect few, fear none. Whoopdeefuckindoo.

Jeff, we should form a blown bottom end car club. our slogan could be “looks broke, and never runs”


if you were 16 again, you would understand. :slight_smile:

What is funny, Never seen jeff write “fuckin” :rofl: