518 Car Clubs

I moved Back up here in April From NC and am looking for people interested in joining a car club. Get back to me if you’re interested… The name of it is Hollowed Ground, it is the NY chapter of Hollowed Ground Racing. I’m Also interested in getting to know other Car Clubs and their members. I’m not looking to steal from other Car clubs.

For more info hit me up on aim, or on here…

You’ve basically came to a car club site, and are trying to take it’s members to join your club. That probably was not your intent, but that is basically what you are asking.

Lose the cheesy name.

fuck car clubs they are all retarted ,nuttin but drama and wierd kinda sex goin on . wait kinda like here :lol

Also why are you calling it ‘Hollowed Ground Racing

Exactly what, when, where, how, and who are you “racing”? :rofl

did i hear weird sex?

tony and mclarenGP

This better be a JDM car club or I’m not joining.

no if i was racing it would be 200mph plus racing. www.190mphonRT9.com :stfu

real car clubs suck. esp local ones. stick to the fake car clubs. juan valdez>*car club

If you’re a part of this club I’ll leave here to go join you, if not pffft


BTW…those that went on the GPNY trip last time and saw the exotics pulled over…that was those guys :nod

good point :idiots

I saw the white Superleggera, orange “regular” Gallardo and green Murcielago and creamed my pants :nod

Only car club’s I’d consider joining are the above mentioned and here .

What is it with carclubs and all having AWFUL cheesy names? What ever happened to having friends get together and not thinking of a horrible name to call it? ::slight_smile: :idiots

I’m bringing Lower Class back.

ok Rizzo

hahahahaha :crackup

PSssshh to both of you. :umm

whats that, your blow off valve sound

My car is NA. Thought you knew that.