Car Club Crap

so there are only 3 of you? C^3 = Cracker to the third power?

my post was deleted why?

you dont meet the high standards of cracker to the third autoworks.

car clubs, teams, groups = :retardclap

My post was informing them of their need for a better website as it was created on geocities and I was making better web pages in notepad using raw HTML when I was 9…

The want to be taken “Professionally” and yet their website completely lacks any “Professionalism”’

And reading the rules etc… it seems more like a Nazi Party

nazi? :open_mouth:

+1 I’m in.


Lets start a car club… Every window on your car must have a swastika in the bottom left corner except for the rear window, a swastika must take up the whole thing

oh and your car must be white with blue HID’s…

Must honk 3 times and raise up left hand out window when seeing a senior member

did you notice the thread title, from this professional team says looking for new memebers

Hahah good catch

WTF is this Nazi Sensorship bullshit


I wanna be in c3

Everyone in this thread is now in a car club together.

First meeting is tomorrow night, bring your membership fees, I has stickerz.

YES! Where are we meeting? :open_mouth:


Is there beer at said meeting?

Only after we finish official club business.


I am so game

We need a name first.

I’m thinking Uneducated Kustomz? Hollowed Ground Effectz?