Car Club Crap

How about B3 Investment Kustom Effectz?

Maximum Ground? Lower Clazz? APG? POOR BOYS?! :open_mouth:

Glittery sparkle paint!

I have the lower class sticker already…


i cant make it to this clubteamgroup therapy session, i will be out of state on “business” “scouting for new members” if you would.

Clubteamgroup rankings:
Mk430R: el presidente
Shady: vice presidente/CEO
Jclark: Treasurer it would have been travis, but , well you know.
psi2high: Head of security
kramerbuccs: Head of transportation
PJB: lot lizard
TDI_Logik: Foreign affairs
K20 Power : promotions

nice, I’ll get to promoting:up2something:

wait…what’s the name of the group…we should sport it in the sig LOL

i figure as lead poster. you could do some promoting.\

we need a name. Shady will be in charge of deciding on the name, send him your suggestion via PM

s1ckkk foreign affairs.

Liek brett said, PM me with suggestions

How About


im not a fan of CP. not trying to go to jail.



you guys figure it out and pass it to me. ill be gone and dont know if im gonna be going on here

Mature Porn

What exactly am I supposed to do?
And Pete is foreign affairs- does that mean he deals with the PR’s?

And shouldnt security be a big guy? Sean is like 90 pounds.

thats why youre the lot lizard. your job is to sleep with fat women.

No fatties for me.

You would pick that name.

This Mk4 fool just took over mah club. Time to stage a coup.

i like coups

Oh shit club meeting at my house thursday night…oh wait thats the night we are partying