just call him Singh

LOL how did I know you were gonna say that… but yea your right, bike is sweet, it sounds badass, vlad when are you gonna get a TL1000 ? sounds like a monster !

lollllllll I can see u typing that in your mind saying 2000… and … 1 haha its all good

and white castle is the shizzzznett son !

Yea maybe to you, I can tell you right now this TL is way better than the R1 only takes a few seconds to realize that. The R1 was nice but to be honest it was beat, if it was mint I would say otherwise for my opinion on this trade…

Intelligent and positive post ! If you dont want to sound stupid, dont say anything !

singh is vicious today lmao :lmao

lol wanna get my words in cuz my pc is down and taken apart right now, so im using my bros , not able to keep up 24/7 like usual

so downloading porn

All Twins Oil starve after long wheelies, but then again 95% of bikes would be affected by it, Vtwin or I4, thats why many stunt bikes get their heads tapped and put new lines in. Unless you’re planing on doing mile long highway wheelies, you’ll be fine and twins would be much easier to get it up as well, so the point is mush in this argument.

The bike is good

Rankin is not :tong :nana

streaming porn ftw !

@ vlad any liter bike is gonna get it up easy

Nice, can’t wait to see it in person…

Really, explain how an R1 is better? an R1 will take a TL 1000r. They stopped making those bikes for a reason.

Before shooting your mouth off to someone, you better know who your talking to first; in which this case, you don’t.

The R1 that rankin had wasnt in great condition, and in my opinion was a beat ass bike with a number of things wrong with it. Going by the conditions of the bike I would take the TL1000 way before the R1.

Dont think i’m biased against the R1, I own the same bike trust me I love it, I wouldnt trade MINE for it, but i would of traded rankins

And also, relax im sure if we meet in person we would get along just fine, I’m only going by your posts which have seemed to be really negative and useless, dont take it personal, but I think you can agree you could of said what you said in a much nicer way…

Could shoulda woulda…

But I didn’t. No more further input is needed from me in this thread. I said what I needed and wanted to say.

lol someone is cranky? LOL j.k !

dont hold grudges against me that would be silly, i have nothing bad to say about you, your posts are negative so what its all good then !

I’m done. There is no grudge can being held on my held. It’s the internet.

I said what I had to say, if you have anything else to say, please PM me. Don’t clog this guy’s thread up.

vlad thank you for the input…i just heard the sv starves after like 80ft…so i take it this is false to an extent?

word, I think hes saying the oil starvation does happen but not as bad and as soon as it may be hyped up to be


hey vlad :kicklow

im getting A LOT BETTER in the twisties now… if you actually came riding for once you would see that lol

fucking call me and lets go riding!!!

i wanna do some riding before the season is totally fucked over, it looks like some day riding is all we are gonna have left now…

I’ll be out this weekend if the weather is good with a passenger.



hmmmmm :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ll be camping tho, i’ll have to check your girlfriend out next time :frowning: