No more 240, but still JDM TYTE!

and since Ford is the main/major stake holder of Mazda that makes it a domestic!

this is funny kelvin lol hahaha

just turbo ur mazda 5 already thats y…and everyone will be all happ =D

fuck you its not a minivan, one more, i will start killing people

your uhh… not getting hitched and havin kids anytime soon are you?

not anytime soon, its getting a turbo.

k good u scared me

It’s still a minivan. A bad assed minivan, one of the only minivans I’d drive, but it’s a minivan none the less. :wink:

Sweet ride though, must be nice to know that every time you get in, it’ll start, run, get good mileage, everything works, it’s not rusted to shit… etc, etc, etc… Congrats dude.

thanks so much, finally some compliment. lol.

everyone thinks mazda5 is a mini van lol… its in same category as when the original first odyssey came out.its like when matrix first came out no one knew wat category it was in…

nice buy kelvin…u definitely upgraded from that getto s13 :slight_smile: but no more reckless crazy drifting for u

Seriously though, how does that thing drive? I’ve thought they were pretty cool since they first came out. I mean, it’s a “mini-van” (for lack of a better category) that comes in a 5-spd, plus it’s a Mazda, so you know it’s got a bitta zip… I’d imagine once you turbo it, it’ll have some SERIOUS jam…

More details please, my dad is really interested.

the car in automatic has a better feel, because it doesn’t share the same tranny as the mazda 3 does. but auto only has 4 gears. my 5 spd took a while to break in, around 3500kms to you really feel the car let loose. with the stock springs, the car is amazing, very quiet but yet you still feel the bumps on the road so you don’t fall asleep. the car is much more quieter than my old mazda 3 on the highway for sure. i seriosuly recommened this car to anyone. i only have a girlfriend and i bought this car cause i really need to get away from the 240, too many fixings, and no ac. stereo sucked ass. and it hurts my back. im much more comfortable in the 5, and i have no regret in buying this car. the rear sliding doors on the GT model have an auto close function, so when you don’t close the door fully, it will give it another squeeze by itself to close it shut. great for kids. the third row is totally not for grown ups, anyone taller than 5’7" or so will be crammed. rear hatch is made of plastic to reduce weight, and since the rear has a crash box, it doens’t need another heavy ass hatch. and it has a E brake. not those foot pedal ones so you can still pull half ass dori dori. lol. i dunno, u gotta go to the dealership to check it out yourself. impressive vehicle and it looks great!.

edit - i work at Avante Mazda up at richmond hill, young and major mack. i can get you a good deal on any car there, just pm me if u are serisuly interested. haha

thats all i saw in that.

lol in any case ill stop by one day on my way back from work and ill have to check this thing out a bit better if its realy as good as u say it is lol

They really do look good too. They’re very low on my list of cars I’d buy, lol… But they’re pimp, and if I was in a situation where I could justify it, I would probably get one… But for now I’m content with “impractical sportscar” as my vehicle of choice.

shaggin waggin

im in the market for some sort of work truck to

You should pimp that out , like the A-Team van :smiley: Get some sick meshies , and a red stripe , with a crazy spoiler on the roof , quad exhaust , Oh Baby lmao

Better yet, M33 that bitch :wink:

Nice ride always liked them however my dad got rid of his Caravan for one and had nothing but issues since day one. I think he finally got the issues resolved. SOmething with the tranny not sure.

The MAV or what ever you want to call it does actually handle pretty good.
How do you find the armrests up front?

Nice purchase

I think it looks nice, for some reason I like those things, I think they look cool.

Guys I never thought I would say this and I don’t know why but I look at that picture and for some reason I miss the snow. Here in the Greek isles people are still walking around in short sleaves and shorts, it’s going to be Christmas in less then a month, it just doesn’t feel right, I can’t get into the Christmas spirit without the snow.