No superbowl parade?!?!

I heard on the X this morning that if we win the superbowl that it is likely that we won’t be having a parade downtown. I think that it is absolutely insane that we won’t be having a parade. NBA teams get parades when they win the finals for Christ’s sake, and we won’t be having one for the NFL champs if we win?! They said it is because of health and safety issues and that there aren’t enough police. That is total BS because I went to the parade on my lunch break when we won in 2005 and it was a well behaved crowd and nobody got hurt and everyone was very calm. I think it would be the biggest slap in the face to the city of Pittsburgh and to the Steelers if no parade is held. They mentioned having a pep rally instead, but where the heck do they think they are going to put 250,000 people for a pep rally? Our city government is full of a bunch of morons.

I’m alllllllll about the steelers and superbowl, but how many precursory events to it do you want?

they better have a freakin parade down here this year!

How would a victory parade be precursory? This would be after the superbowl assuming that we win.

<~ sorry didn’t read hahah… well, either way. Parades suck.

The steelers victory parade in 2006 was INSANE… I skipped work and went down alone… what an awesome time… Was looking forward to this years if we win.

they better have one !!! i want to go to this one


Yeah seriously. In 2005 no one I knew could or would go so I called up my grandmother so her and I went down. Parked in the strip and went all the way down to the corner of Stanwix and Liberty. We were right on the corner next to the traffic control box. I ended up having some chick on my shoulders taking picture. My grandmother ended up loosing her voice from all the cheering (she is polish and at the time 73).

She already told me she is going again with me if they have one this time around. I told her to bring it and this time we’d take a case of beer…lol

My grandmother is cool as hell.

urban legend who started this dumb chain letter???

Maybe we spoke too soon. Looks like they are planning one for mid-week.

Listening to the mayor right now on ESPN, he keeps saying tomorrow.

Tomorrow at Noon.

during the snow storm…sonofabitch i’ll probably be workin

We? stop making threads.