nofx show tomorrow, anyone going?

just like the title states, anyone going? trying to go after work. hope im not the oldest person there.

my friend wanted me to go but i have to work :frowning:

I doubt you will be… if I had known about it sooner, I would have at least tried…

oh shit!
were is it at>??

i havent seen them in years>>

sailor ill go give me a ring

spangs— 8 pm at club zoo. dont know how much. id assume 20 or less…

oh, and h20 is playin on the 30th, ill be there for sure

Shit. I can’t make it tonight.

Sails, I’ll go to H2O. Give me a call.

I wanted to go to this, but i guess i never got around to getting tickets. Haha Nofx should be a sweet show.

club zoo wtf is that the old underage hippdippy hop club

id def be down in going…

u gonna go after work sailor…

could meet up and roll down

yeah, im goin straight from work so swing over. never been to zoo, so not sure where it is…

i dont have tickets, doubt they will sell out. if they do, then just go to oakland and get a fry at teh o and stare at bitches.

White Trash Two Heebs and a Bean sailor.

Sorry I was driving my S&M Airlines, while Punk in Drublic. Carry on.


i have no clue were the zoo is…i get off at 5 ill swing down right after

zoo is where metorpol used to be in the strip. directions available on ticketmasters site, tickets are $20, i am going to try and make it down.

dont be scared you know you want to go…

i def know whrer that is ha metropol

I know, I’d love to go with you two…talk about flashbacks…I def can’t do it tonight. Some one punch Fat Mike in the balls for me, preferrably while singing Liza & Louise.

its not tonight dingle dick

its tomorrow

Shit, reading>me.

I might go then, so take that.

1630 Smallman St.

no it is tonight october 21, 2008 :)… i posted this thread yesterday night…

NOFX 10-21-2008 20:00 at Club Zoo, Pittsburgh, PA, Pennsylvania

an i thought it was near or is old metropol. i know where that is. i know it is not graffiti :slight_smile:

Sails, you’re going to H2O?