I’m hearing a thud on launch and also on a hard 1-2 shift (auto). Any ideas? I’m really hoping it’s a broken motor mount. Don’t think it’s the tranny or rear end since it’s not all the time. Doh!
tranny mount…thats prob it
Not sure why i said engine mount. Anyway, looks like trans mount might be torn. I’ll pull it off tomorrow after work to check. Know of anyone local that might stock the Prothane mounts?
also going with the tranny mount, atleast its a common thirdgen problem
Yep, broke one on an '86 Camaro too.
JUST CALL SUMMIT & HAVE IT IN A DAY OR TWO,u will get a small vibachion!!!(sp)
Probably tranny mount. I don’t think I know a Fbody owner who hasn’t broken theirs at some point. But while you’re under there take a close look at the torque arm (particularly around the back mounting bolt-holes). Don’t wanna end up breaking it and trashing a driveshaft like me.
I’m not convinced that there is an aftermarket poly mount available. Energy Suspension doesn’t make one for '93-'02 (confirmed it with them). And Prothane uses the same mount for ALL years of Firebirds, so how can it be the right size? Called them but their tech was out. Maybe this is why a lot of people get vibrations and offset transmissions from the poly mount, cause it’s the wrong height. :dunno:
3rd gen ones work!!! :mullet: thats the ones i use!!!
advice: comming from a person that thought his clutch was all messed up cause his pedle was sticking to the floor —“i moved your floor mat back”
GM used the same tranny mount on ALL Fbodies EVER. Get the Prothane one here: http://www.thunderracing.com/catalog/?action=vshop&vid=4&pcid=92 It was the same exact height and shape as my stock mount.
I didn’t really notice an increase in noise inside the car… but those that do it’s just because poly transmits more NVH than rubber.
[QUOTE=tjZ28]GM used the same tranny mount on ALL Fbodies EVER. Get the Prothane one here: http://www.thunderracing.com/catalog/?action=vshop&vid=4&pcid=92
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: see if brian can get it-
Torque arm mount was also ripped. Might as well get a poly replacement for that too.
you f-body guys need some qaudra shocks
old school anti-hop shit