NON HID bulbs.

Looking to replace bulbs in a few different things. I don’t have room on most of them to install HID’s.
Whats a clean bright white bulb?
How about a yellow for fog lights?

Silvania Silver Star are okay, I personally use Phillips X-Treme bulbs for my cars/bikes.

The thin HID kits can fit anywhere. The ballasts are the size of a deck of playing cards FYI. And they can be found on eBay for $40 to $60 when Silverstars can cost about that much too.

PIAA… i must have burnt through 3 sets of silverstars before I bought my set of PIAA’s, lasted 3 years or so. Now I have HID’s in everything

Sylvania Silverstars suck balls. Get OSRAM bulbs. You’ll be happy.

I’m not putting HIDs on my tractor.
Also, the ballast will not fit in my headlamp bucket on the 58.

It would be baller though :slight_smile:

HIDs would be super ballin’ you can also find ones with long tails before the ballast so you can mount it further away… there is always a way to get them to work.