north hills :greddy:

BlkP42E, Dick Starbucks, nh4442, SMort38

dont go to north hills unless its for bravo,or mad mex


Mt Pleasant, Uniontown, etc… :mullet:

How come Be_Rad doesnt make the list??

mmmm mad mex. you can live on $6 margarita’s.

North Hills > jOO

where do i fall

on your ass

ur just plane :greddy:

u live in kuwait…

on a stool at yuppies

baaaaaaa im bald,but love sheep:D

fofo412 didnt make the list either…


or the kid thet grew up in shaler from me in allison park the the gm kid

east pittsburgh fo’ life

It would be interesting to have a big map of SW PA and put a dot where each person on Pittspeed lives. Like they do with serial killings.

north hills > *
south hills = take the bus

south hills>north hills :greddy:

Non-Allegheny county>*

Unless someone else is footing the bill.