north hills :greddy:


north hills is full of asshole mid-income ranged yuppie fucks that think they are rich… take your 200k house and 40k volvo payments on your 65k income and suck my dick! :mrT:


in a less hateful way i concur :eek4: bad day so far sonny?

good luck finding a $200k house in most neighbourhoods up here.

and i heart mcknight road. what’s better? route 51? business 22? i fart in their general direction.

south>north - it’s not even close.

There is something sorta like that available for forums actually. Unfortunately it goes by country, not state.


the south hills are an embarassment… that’s why “god” put mountains between downtown and the south hills.

get me a high-res map and start a thread where people post locations

dude… be careful… the cocksucking yuppie-ness is starting to grow stronger with you

there are plenty of overpriced shitholes for 200k

mcknight is garabge… the lights are timed incorrectly…the asshole drivers that make up the community are waht i hate. i hate the way that people act when you go out somewhere or drive anywhere in the area

there are a ton of ‘better’ places, just depends what you’re looking for… i’ll stick with rt 51 / 30 / 22 / 376 and downtown…

i just hate it beacuse i grew up in places that people didn’t pretend they had something more than they do… fuck being petty snobs.

here is a whole neighborhood of them

ps… robinson > *

far away from everything, close enough to everything… best of both worlds!

its even better when you do not have to go into the city to work!

trust me, i grew up with a lot of yuppie posers… people who made half as much as my parents but bought houses four times bigger to look like they had the most.


I’ll still take the North Hills over any other part of the county.

and about the $200k comment, even the Maronda and Ryan shitboxes being built now start around $240k… I know you CAN find houses under $200k, but they’re in the minority.

i represent the dirty south

why do you think the property value is so high? because of yuppie assholes! people are willing to pay 240k for something that costs 100k south or 20k in the hill district… its just the assholes that populate to the north hills that keep it high. i bet mcknight area crash and burns when cranberry is the next big shit… fuck all that bullshit!

i’d rather deal with real people than posers… its’ just so evident every single time that i go anywhere up around the area… i’ll gladly live in overpriced sq hill than overpriced north hills.

here >:all

you guys should see the props in NJ just over the NY border, showtime will back me up… if i can find the sale, a 1500sqft ranch with a detached garage was going for $699,000. i mean shit holes go for insane prices there. PA is starting to see that too NY overflow is blowin up property values.

Sonny I understand your pov but I’m glad its that way. The last thing we want is NH to turn into another Bellvue/West View where they bring the ghettos and wiggers in by the bus loads. Its getting worse everday but if raising the prices so that we get good people in the area then so be it. People in Squirrel Hill are soooo weird it would def be a personal preferrence of living with weirdos or assholes. I’d chose assholes lol.

hey…this isn’t the “BeRad’s Sexual Proclivities” thread.


a little off topic but - in the beginning of the summer sandcastle was only $6 to get in and it fucking sucked. every low life was down there and I actually packed up my shit and left. Now that it is $21 it keeps all of the shit out. it’s much better now.

So i see what you are saying, it isn’t all bad to pay a premium for some stuff.
