north hills :greddy:

i shouldnt be in this pewter, i only go to glenshaw tue and thurs for work

South Hills > North Hills

u just :bj: period! :kiss:


not ,cause the south hills has a The1SloShelby!

theres more than one??? :scared:


what do you know!

fuck the north hills… fucking bullshit 3 lanes of traffic at 10pm on a thursday… overpopulated shithole!!!

McKnight road = the lose

you and your gay pride sq. hill buddies can eat my ass!

ooooooooooo diss!

we could use some pepper over here…hes a bit salty :boink

waht are you tlaking about? since when is sq hill known for gay people? it’s more jews and russians… and i’ll take them anyday over white trash douchebag assholes!!!

you’re kinda jewish so that rings tru :spank:

watch it.

sonny upset Be_rad!

North Hills > *

Every time I go to the South Hills, it’s like a timewarp… I’m surrounded by mullets in F-bodies rocking out to Donnie Iris and/or Journey.

I lived in the South Hills for a year… It was like living in 1985.

Journey owns j00!!!~~!!!

Steve Perry needs to be lit on fire and tossed in a woodchipper…

I think he and Geddy Lee are the reason I’m deaf in my right ear…