from what I read…their was a big fight. Someone got a nose broken, lady got punched in the head by a dude…police and ambulance came…
What exactly happnd?
and im glad you guys are alright… no ball busting seriously, its one thing to joke about small things, but something where someone could have seriously gotten hurt is a complete other story
sorry to here it trav… glad your arlight thou!
not all bad… crazy races in the LG area all night and my car started
last night really it didnt need to happen, let alone this week/last 2 weeks, its just makin me realize this could happen to neone and i need to step up and realize shit
I think a car fire is something we all fear deep down cause really there is nothing you can do but just watch your car burn.
Trav. man i have known you for mad long. You know how many cars i have totalled so here is my advice. Play hard ball and ensure your insurance company pays at least the entire balance of your loan for the car. If that happens look at this situation as a positive. Yes you lost an awesome car but think of the debt you are getting out of. Buy an awesome car that doesnt cost so much. Save up for a bit and get a car you can pay cash for and have no shitty car payment.
Last night was a wierd/bad night. My friend in texas was shot 7 times last night when someone attempted to jack his car.
yea fire of anything seems to scare me, i cant imagine being so helpless as to watching your car burn to the ground. Esp someones pride and joy.
and ive head from alot of people that last night was horrible, ive heard of people that they knew dying, and in your case getting shot,. Its all very erie.
This whole week was full of fucked up shit. I went to more crappy calls in the last few days and then all this
ok so what was the fight all about? was it a muscle car vs. import type fight? or just a bunch of punks?
the pr’s being impatient and invading the upper lot
nothing to do with the muscle cars like george said. as far as i know we’ve never really had a problem with them that has gone beyond a heated argument.
it was scumbags vs civilized people, to put it nicely.
(this is Joanna posting)
According to one of the policemen, he thought the PRs were pissed at us and starting shit because they thought we were the ones who wanted them kicked out of Kohls (since we weren’t being kicked out too). It was actually Kohls who wrote a letter to the Colonie police requesting they kick out any trespassers.
what the fuck? :wow
and this is why they pr’s and anyone in the lower lot kept getting booted, mcdonalds isnt part of the kohls lot from what i understand thats why colonie was leaving us alone for a while til the the trash started filling in from the lower lot and pissin mcdonalds mgt off.