Not a good night..

Lots of shitty things happened tonight, I’ll let someone else fill in details…but seriously guys it would NOT be cool to add insult to injury.

Keep that in mind over the next few days, put yourself the in the affected party’s shoes and think about what you would feel like…just be easy.

my condolences to the affected. honestly. if any jokes come up in this thread, i just won’t know what to say.

p.m. sent.

honestly this is the WORST night i ever had tonight!

lets start with around 7 when i was at work a cop walked in to my restaurant and had to break the news to one of the cooks that his wife was killed in a car accident and im close to him so that hit me hard especially since him and his wife are in there mid 20’s with 3 kids, then i get 2 tickets, then a brawl at the lot! WTF is up with this night? i dont even know what to say about it.

What the hell happened??? The suspense is killing me!

Look in the general section.

listen right now i cant give full details about situation but on the way home trav mcflurry and i were involved in a car fire and the sti is no longer here it is a total loss …please do not bust balls it was a freak accident and everyone is ok physically at this point

^^I’m to tired right now but I’ll post what I saw tomorrow. I was there right after the fire. Really sorry Travis… :sad

once again, my condolances go out to you travis. :sad :sad

im in utter shock. i am so sorry for the loss, but i am just glad everyone is okay. tonight sucked major dick.

you be the pilot of a firball at a high rate of speed couldnt see anything

i can only imagine… seriously what a night. i wish this day never happened.

agreed. fuck this night!

Wow that sounds incredibly scary. Glad you guys made it out ok.

it sucked no warning at all just a ball couldnt see didnt know what hapened just glad i didnt roll it or hit someone else

wait were you driving?? im confused because you keep saying I but wasnt it trav’s car??

yes trav,s car i was piloting as trav has no license

ohh wow thats a really scary experience


So what happened at the lot?