not sure if theres a thread for this...

f sheep man… we have a buffalo farm and an EMU farm

guilderland hs '09

:rofl at crazybrew knowing the older siblings/parents of the Maple Hill girls whose lives were shattered by our presence, did you know Molly when she was in diapers too?

so you ever venture down to one of those farms late at night with a tube of KY Jelly?

Degenerate drug dealer right outside the illegal body shop

me and miss cooke actually share a b-day… very nice family tho… shame what happened to travis tho

yes! we used to have alot of Alpaca farms where i used to live. strange creatures.

lol… i’ll do ya one better… i’ve changed her diapers :lol


:rofl:rofl:rofl My dad used to buy corn and buffalo meat from that buffalo farm…I think it was called Gem’s farm right?

a few got lose once and one got to the middle school… they were covered by insurence so when the cops cornered it they shot the thing cause it can put one of it;s nails in it’s foot thru you with one kick… shot it right on the play ground during “outside time”… those 4th graders were fucked

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl, I’ve done similar

mesicks farm… best corn you could ever buy… meats good too

:ohnoes :rofl

You might be a redneck if…

…cops shoot alpacas on your playground

PJB loves meat, man meat that is

no, actually I dont.

january 5th? or something… n what, when travis broke his leg?

i don’t want to hear this man… :eek3

I know, I just have a grudge against her now… sorry! haha