Note to self: Never drive over a mattress *pics*

What a mess. Get out the bolt cutters!


I guess you can say he put his car to sleep.

lol ahahahahahahaha thats amazing

lol thats alot of springs…now i know to keep away from people driving with mattresses on their cars.

LOL wow…

Well, they found the problem!!!

Why would the guy need to take it to a shop to figure that one out. It cant look normal for any idiot out their.

Well i guess the car and mattress warranty is void now.

lol too funny

wow and i thought telling women they need a manual and automatic transmission and three motor changes in their car was funny enough :stuck_out_tongue:

i just dont know how u could not notcie for 30 miles the difference…and describe it as a “shimmy”…that thing would be making a racket under their

lmao, that car got own’d by a mattress :slight_smile:
next time I’ll watch out for them on the road! haha

they are sneaky… they come out of no where!

I love americans! at least i hope they are americans.

that must have been fun to get off.

I’m waiting for Ahmed’s “stateside” comment.