Official "I HATE MY CAR" thread

i dont wanna be the only one to vent, so lets here why we all hate our cars…

even if you love it, you still hate it.

whatda’ya got?

  1. Fu(kin Alt Belt squeels like a pig…and I’m just too lazy to swap it out. FIXED

  2. I seem to be having some excessive blow-by issue. I need to watch it a little more closely before I rule anything out - but it’s still enough to piss me right off. FIXED

  3. Catch-can leaked oil all over my garage…crappy Bing’s catch-can. :slight_smile: FIXED

  4. Left Channel speakers keep cutting in and out - really annoying when listening to good tunes FIXED

  5. Reverse lights don’t work. Plug is pooched…some day I’ll get under the car and rewire it.

  6. Washer fluid just dribbles out. Pump works case I can hear it but it still doesn’t shoot any juice.

  7. Hood pin for alarm sometimes takes a crap and I can’t auto start ot turbo time my car. FIXED

(edit: I’m just going to keep adding to my list as I remember crap)

(edit on edit: Although all of this is pissing me off - it’s still pulls hard and I’ll be happy when I make 400)

so i started my car last night

its running on 3cyl and i have no idea why. there is spark and the injectors are getting power and the injector #1 pulse wire is good all the way up to the injector. maybe its grounding out on the chassis somewhere?

problems come and go but the ones that piss me off the most are upper oil pan leaks that require you to pull the tranny to get the oil pan off

but then i realized you actually dont need to pull the tranny off and that nissan put a little plate on the bac kof the tranny to get at the 2 10mm nuts and i was very very happy afterwards.

long day ahead but hopefully the motor build is good as far as i can tell it is, no smoke or anything and it sounds good (well about as good as 3cyl can sound)

so this is a - i was very very pissed last night but i’ve realized what i need to do and im gonna do it - type of post

Turns out my T28 that I replaced was never even blown in the first place like I thought it was… waste of $1500…

Back in November there was a crazy squealing noise and I was loosing boost. There was also oil all over the place by the turbo, so naturally, since I bought the turbo used, I assumed the seals were gone as Chris exclaimed that the sounds was identical to the sound his turbo made when it blew.

Well I have a brand spankin new GT2871R on there now and the squealing continues… it is not a belt squeal, it is a vacuum or metal squealing.

My heater hosing over the manifold melted because of the heat coming off the manifold and that is where all the oil was coming from, not my turbo I guess… although my turbo wasn’t in good shape by anymeans when I removed it.

Needless to say though, I didn’t have to change anything…

My brakes are still absolute whores… fucking brake assist wont do a damn thing and I can barely stop.

This new car I have feels way way different in the rear than any other s13 I have had and have driven…. Keep in mind I have owned 15 240sx’s and driven an innumerable amount of them.

The rear end just felt ghey when I first got it so I swapped out the diff for a low mileage VLSD that I had in my other car… it didn’t change a thing.

So I put in all new adjustable multi-link arms and subframe collars and redid my coilovers… it still feels off. Maybe and alignment will do it but the rear end still feels….iono…sticky?

There is no gradual oversteer, its snap or nothing… very strange and unpredicitable… it makes me fear tossing it out… even in the rain last year it was unpredictable… really bugging me…

as of right now…it wont let me pass emission and I need the freakin car for work! argh

I love my car. :dunno:

And it loves me back. :naughty:

My s14 rocks but some issues with it - nothing major: worn tires, heat shield rattle, brakes squeal when cold, camry grill.

  1. Tires - my friend helped me wear out my thread while learning standard. He just got his car yesterday with new tires and spare rims :wtf: . My tread is minimal and car likes to drift a little too often now - need new tires w/rims soon.

  2. Heat shield rattle (just removed one so that solved problem @ 3100 rpm) - now one more a bit higher in the band. You shift, as the rpm drops in the next gear - my “vtech” kicks in for about 200 rpm and disappears.

  3. Brakes squeak when going about 10 mph & cold / also get friggin hot (probably bit of drag although I can turn them relatively easy by hand). When I got some time I want to get them done.

  4. Camry aka factory “zenki” grill. Yes I am whining - heck - I think that’s what this thread is for - so I am in the right place :D. The grill is kinda like seeing your gf with permanent braces - that’s serious s8 now. Not too kinky eh - time to b_u_m_p that wtb grill thread soon.


oh yeah - my bling bling rims… when I got the car - they came with a nut lock to ensure noone takes them :lol: …

ok I might as well run slicks - the tread is just not there anymore - I’ll invest in some grip ones before I slam someone in the a$$ and have to shell out more coin.

Perfect timing for a thread like this!

My IACV won’t work! The Valve works perfect… the wiring is perfect just no ECU signal… not sure what gives…

On the weekend my wastegate stuck closed… good to know my IC piping holds at 25+ PSI… pretty sure the rest of the motor didn’t like it to much when I hit 25+ by accident a couple times before I noticed it was going past the 11 it was set to! OPPS

Stock Turbo Stock injectors…

The rest of my problems I know the solutions to its just pissing me off that I don’t have the time to fix them :evil:

Bing on a site note, I LOVE that new avatar… its hilarious

I won’t be able to contribute to this thread until I finally fire up the car
very shortly. :noes:

Other then that, the only thing bugging is the clutch; i just can’t seem to
get it to build up pressure. :dunno:

I scrape everywhere’s!

I get bad gas milage!

my car makes weird noises!

it needs body work!

I have no cash and it pisses me off!

brakes are shite, but that issue is being resolved tomorrow.

clutch master or slave is shot, if you engage the clutch slowly it won’t catch and the pedal will sink to the floor. engage it quickly and it works fine. also being fixed tomorrow.

diff squeels like a pig. getting all the fluids in the car changed tomorrow, hopefully this will resolve the issue.

rattle when i get into high RPM’s…thinking it’s a heat shield of some sort, it’s a metallic kind of rattling. going to look into it this week.

speakers are absolute shit. need new ones.

maroon base model seats in an otherwise gray turbo-2 interior…not cool.

lumpy idle, TPS needs adjusting.

all the reading light bulbs in the interior are dead. going to change them momentarily.

door trim pieces were mounted with house-hold double-sided mounting tape, the foam type. the second it got wet, the trim pieces fell off and now there’s residue all over the doors.

crappy purple tint on the rear window has half peeled off, but even in the spots where it’s gone, you can’t see shit because of the adhesive it left behind.

so yeah my list may look long…but most of them are easy fixes, the 2 big problems are being resolved tomorrow, and i’ve only had the car for a week now so i’ve already fixed a bunch of issues. ah the joys of owning an older car.

I hate my car because my parts keep getting taken and used on another car, what a piss off.


I don’t hate my mazda, but I hate the people who didn’d finish the pain job and left me with a poorly sanded body and it has begun to rust… long story

I hate that even the smallest parts on it cost a flipping fortune to find and replace.

I love my nissan because she is bueautiful, I hate that it was made from recycled metal and is getting swiss cheesey.

i hate my car cause it owns me

that’s IF it starts…

I hate my car because my rear camber is off. wheels look like this:

/ /-------| |. … well, not THAT bad, but close.

Then, I hate it more because it has more roll than a … (what has a lot of roll?)

Then I hate it even more because lately i’ve noticed it lacking in power mid-top end. (it never had any power in the bottom end in the first place)
:. no power.

I hate it 'cause I have a jackass vaccuum leak that I’ve never been able to fucking find.

I hate it 'cause i bought it 99.9% mint in september, treated it to the best rust control possible, and yet it still managed to accumulate a nice amount of rust over the winter.

What else… Oh yeah, All that, and I have no money to fix any of the problems.

hahahaha, why I dislike my ride; currently plated S13

quarters rotten/ exhuast fumes enter cabin
fenders showing rust
hatch fuct
rear window defrost 1/2 works
intermittent blower motor
no radio antenna
no windsheild washer jets
uneven camber @ each corner
roof liner is screwed
1 speaker
interior panels rattle
poor fuel economy (wrong O2, crappy DP)
horn attached to switch - on/off
misc. wiring issues
doors sag
sunroof leaks
trunk carpet saturated in oil - thanks Lucky/Avery
^this is excluding the shit I’ve fixed in the past 12 months

it looks like crap

but alas, there’s still hope, S14 for the sister, and another S13 chassis in the works for me, S13.4 anyone?

but at least its a blitz tuned blacktop,

Well I don’t hate my car, in fact i love it, it’s my freind :slight_smile: but I’ll follow everyone’s example and list the problems with it:

Fuel Pump leaks
Rust on the roof, under drivers side mirror, on passenger side door, and on the back wheel well par
1 speaker is blown completely one is half blown so it sounds horrible…
Trunk likes to rattle when subs are on, sounds horrible from outside
Car sometimes likes to shake like a mofo and die after start up. Cause is unknown…
Some idling issue during driving
Needs new coolant and brake fluid
Needs some major detailing, paint is stained in some places
Climate control lights are fucked, i want the jdm tyte one
Short shifter rattles like a mofo at high rpm
Subs draw too mcuh current and the lights dim :frowning:
Front bumper has about 10 000 paint chips in it. Hood also has a ton.
Oh, and it’s stock and thus slow.

That about sums it up :slight_smile:

Edit: Almost forgot, the passenger side door lock is fucked, can’t be opened from the ouside. The same door also sticks out a few mm from the body when closed, no idea why…

You forgot quite a bit of shit! :lol: (unless its only me who dislikes)

With that a side… I have 1 problem with my S13 and its the stock broken/bent shocks in the rear (traction has become a huge problem)

I love my car, I just hate the fact that I have spent way too much money on it already and Im not even finished doing my swap yet…Actually I haven’t even seen the engine crank over yet :roll: