Wow, thats a pretty amazing turnout for the start of November! Ill be there in the spring for sure.
looks like it was a great meet!!!..this means the site is doing excellent!!..congrats to everyone… and dont worry, Barney and the Red Dragon will be there next season for sure…
Good turnout. Give us a holla at and let us know when you have a confirmed date. We’ll jump in. Only thing that sucks tho is most of us have our snows on at this point.
spd-dmn nice pix lol but i look like ghost in 2 of them hahaha… well i’ve yet to post the pictures i took due to me not being able to find my usb cord but they will be up soon…
nice “NISSAN ENTRANCE” in those pics spd-dmn
**** i left to early i wanted to be in those pics ah well next time, it was a good turn out , some pretty sick cars
Awesome meet! Probably biggest one I’ve been to so far… Lots of nice cars! the LHD skyline and the Onispeed (i think it’s onispeed right? sorry if i’m wrong) GTR. Some nice Z’s and SX’s.
Oh, and big thanks to Phaneom for giving me a ride in his 400whp Z
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I can’t wait to join you sometime in spring for a meet.
BTW, I hope the cops were respectful. I’m as level-headed as anyone, but I tend to voice my displeasure with cops if they do things that aren’t proper.
i felt so left out wit my toyota… haha
pretty nice one tho
Spencer, you’re an outcast!!!
P.S. It’s me David with 350Z…
Finally i’ve gotten the pix uploaded. Please bare with the fact that some of these pictures are of bad quality due to the digi cam i had. If anyone has a particular picture they like you can pm me for the original sized photo or if anyone would like a sig made please pm me with the info on how you would like it done and i will see if i would be able to pull it off. My chop skills arent at the highest anymore so ill try my best.
I took alot of pictures but dont think they are all the best so here they are:
well thats it believe it or not i might have 4 or 5 more to post but ill leave it at this for now. Enjoy…
lol nice… my car looks soo stock there hehe wait till you see it now
Holy picture posting BLADEman
JK’s, but seriously those were some nice shots you got there and I can’t believe how many turned out. That is just wild and I hope it’s a trend that will continue with other meets .
i thought thats the new CF pattern…
Glad you guys liked my crappy pictures but i would have to say the best shots i took were the last two pix… :R
well hopefully i get a better cam the one i want cost 1200 cheapest and 2g most :+
hot pics… thanks for taking pics of my primer whitte tone s14 lol
oh great, i told you to only take a pic of the car after the white hood…
but yeh nice pics still
Lol Jacky :R the car looks hot anyways…