
LMAO I was gunna say the same thing!

no haha

My beard is going in quite well for 2 weeks


Looks like a 5 o’clock shadow :tongue

glad to see people are still in

all I did is just cut the neck as I was going out this week.

I’m sorry I thought this was novembeard and not novempeachfuzz

Jason, it’s ON!!!


Ha nice! Gotta see my brother. Put a top hat on him and he will look Jewish… lol

Wallace’s beard is epic right now

True that. Saw him at a gas station last night according to some one else here. Strong work.

lol i don’t remember stopping at a gas station. which one was it?

it’s ok, but i’ve been going since sept and have been trimming it.

This was my day 12:

I dont have a pic,but jim^ qnd i were hopin to look like zz top by thanksgiving.

yeah looks like alot of dudes in here didnt shave on October 31st like they were supposed to in order to compete.

My beard is real thick but for some reason its all blonde and white hairs. Real odd

Vlad looks like terrorist status now. Wow

i shaved on the 30th

yes i shaved a couple days early. shaving irritates my skin pretty bad so i didnt want to shave again within 3 days. so i have a 3-4day head start.

you could be my father

id rather not claim that title :hug

Cumbys on route 9 next to guptils. Red escape with a slide ny sticker. Some one here said it was you… lol