No Shave November 2012

Any participants this year?

Pfft, I started three weeks ago. I’m being fucking super razor lazy this year…

U know I’m in

im in, but im not shaving to start off. ill just let it grow from what i have.

im in.

I’m in. But I’m not shaving before hand.

Same. It’s cold out and my winter beard needs to fill out.

prob in, but will be shaving oct 31st as i never have a beard except for this.

I’m in…but I have a 4 month head start that I’m not shaving off.

sorry i got a head start

Picture was taken in my cold shop office, wasting time arguing over routers and chineese energy drink pyramid scams, while making minimum wage being told when to itch my ass and take vacation time by my bosses.

What an ugly mug.

Can’t do it this year. Going to Disney in November and can’t look like a bum for family pictures since all I end up with is a chin beard. Someone should revoke my man card now.

Im in, and im actually going to make it the whole month this time.

hard work pays off man, been striving for that look for 6-7 months maybe. :rofl

Can I still shave my head?

i did this last year, i’ve had a beard since

I have a 3 month head start and dont plan on shaving for quite sometime. Currently looking on the net for some beard care products.

Current beard status

As of recently I can grow a beard in a weak lol . New meds are brutal !!!

Strongly considering this even though I look like a teenager, but you guys can’t be DICKS - you need to shave on November 1st, that’s how Novembeard works.

Not for people who have beards year round. I’m not going clean shaven for the first time in years for that.